chapter 6

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Warning:there will be against in this story so this will have a spicy drama, let's go to the story

When Mal saw Indo he wondered if Indo rlly liked him so he asked Russ
"Ruski? Does Indo rlly like me?"-Mal
" yes, ik you won't believe me but it's true"-russ
"Pls ruski tell the truth that he doesn't like me! We never got along! He's a jerk!"-Mal
Without another thought Mal realize what he said and Indo heard it, Indo just walk back to the house and rlly lock him self and refuse to go out it's already night time. Mal is moving to Russia's room that means Indo has his room by his self.

Indo can't sleep that night he can't stop thinking abt Mal what said abt him. He thought to his self, " maybe he was right... I was so selfish to him and have been rlly mean to him so there's no surprise that he will hate me..."he thought he keep over thinking after what Mal said, it continued to hurt Indo and Mal don't even care what Indo feels... After he and Russia have been a couple he have been rlly selfish toward the other countries.

One day Indo decided to take a short walk at the park. As he crossing the road a rlly fast car hitted him and he blacked out. As he open he's eyes he was at the hospital confuse what happened and suddenly he saw a little country and it was Timor his little sister but he can't remember who is she, the doctor went to the room with shocking news.

"Timor right?"-doctor
" yes"-Timor
"Well Timor... I have bad news for you... Your brother has amnesia"-doctor
" what?! This can't be true!"-Timor
"I'm sorry I'll leave now... "-doctor

The doctor leaves the room, tears filled in Timor eyes Indo noticed her abt to cry but suddenly he said.
" come here, I do can't remember who you are but I'll be always her"-Indo
"Ok big bro... I'm sorry that you went into an accident!"-Timor
" huh? Big bro? Oh ok so yupir my sis huh?"-indo
" ok then sis.... Don't cry ok? I'm ok"-Indo
"No your not! You've got amnesia!"-Timor
" it's ok... As long your here I'll be fine"-Indo
"Ok... "-Timor
" ok now don't cry sis... Ok?"-Indo

Timor stopped crying and hugged Indo tight and don't wanna let go. Week past Indo can go home now, Timor and Indo went back home. As Timor opened the door she saw all the countries fighting.
"It's your fault Indo had an accident mal!"-Japan
" my fault?! It's he's fault for being so st*pid!"-mal
"Enough is enough!"-Timor
" you've guys fighting abt Indo! It's no ones fault! Indo just got into an accident! So shut up!"-Timor

No one heard Timor got angry but all of them shut up before their a$$ got kicked by Mr. Asian, but all Asian countries was shock to see Indo fully recovered from the hospital, Japan went to Indo and hugged him tight Indo can't do anything just hug back. You might be wondering why Japan and Indo were very close. Bc Japan has been friends with Indo when they are just only 4 yrs old.

Sorry for not updating the story yesterday I was busy anyway TBC.

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