chapter 14

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No one's pov:

Indo is sitting by the couch while on his phone scrolling through Instagram but suddenly he saw mal shaking bc he was cold, mal noticed Indo was staring at him and Indo got up went in front of mal and took of his hoodie (he has a shirt ok?) And putted handed mal his hoodie, mal try to refuse but he can't do anything so he just wear the hoodie. Indo sat beside mal and signaled him to lay on his chest and mal did lay on indo's chest, mal felt a bit warmer and safer bc Indo is by his side. Fem minutes later mal fell asleep on indo's chest, indo putted mal into the hospital bed and went out to buy some food. 58 minutes later mal woked up, mal looked around to see Indo no where but suddenly he remembered what happened before he was in the hospital.

Flash back...

Mal is just laying on the bed feeling sick but suddenly he saw a shadow but Indo is in the shower. He looked back to see indo's ex gf holding a knife, mal feel scared but he can't do anything.
"Your the reason why me and Indo broke up. Now your gonna pay":indo's ex gf
"Pls spare me":mal
"too late. You should thinked first before breaking me and Indo up":Indo's ex gf
" what do you mean?I didn't do anything":mal
"Oh stop acting innocent. You know what you did. You're flirting with Indo!":Indo's ex gf
" huh? I didn't!":mal
"Oh you did and you will pay":indo's ex gf
Indo ex gf then attacked mal. Mal tried to scream for help but it was too late.... He was already stabbed in the back...

Back to reality

Mal stared to cry a little but Indo walked in and saw Mal with tears on his eyes. " hey what's wrong?" Indo asked but mL didn't answer. Indo putted the food on the table and sat beside Mal then hugged him hoping he will calm down and Mal did calm down. "Now tell me, what's wrong?" Indo said "I remembered what happened to me before I went here..." Mal said while looking down, Mal explained what happened. Indo got mad but try his best to calm himself down, he then turned to mal and said "it's ok mal... She will not hurt you ever again. I promise" Indo said, mal wiped his tears and just nodded. 1week passed, mal and Indo start

eing close and mal time had come! He got discharged! When they got home Indo pulled mal into their room.

"Indo.... What are you doing? Why are you being too close?":mal
" mal...... I liked you...":Indo
" i like you mal!":Indo
"I- i- like you too....":mal
" wait rlly?!":Indo
"Rlly.... Rlly":mal
" so can you be-":Indo
"Yes Indo, yes":mal

When mal said it Indo then kissed mal and mal kissed back. They start being together.

The end...

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