chapter 12

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No one's pov:

Mal woked up at exact time of 7 am he was feeling kinda dizzy, as he stand up he suddenly fell on the bed again, he can't stand up properly and he was feeling dizzy but he didn't think anything less he still tried to stand up and went to the bathroom and showered. 14 minutes later he got dressed in a hoodie and went back to the main room, he saw Indo was not there but he just lay on the bed and covered himself with a thick blanket. It's 9 am in the morning, Mal stil hasn't come out from the room, Indo said he's fine but the others think more than Indo.

Philppa's pov:

Why is Indo like this? Did he and Mal fight in secret? Why does he act like mal never existed or he doesn't care abt mal.... Since I'm getting worried abt mal I stand up and went to mal and indo's room. I opened the door quietly and saw mal sleeping while a thick blanket cover his body I sat next to him and put my hand to his forehead, damn his forehead is hot- so that means he have a fever, I went to the first aid kit and find the Tomometer and put it on mal's armpit (is it right? Idk-) and turned out he do have a high fever but when and why did he get this? I went out to his and indo's room and went straight to the kitchen and told Thai abt it, she can help me take care of mal. I didn't say it to Indo bc he doesn't care abt him ig? Thai suggested to make mal my special food called sinigang and I agreed but I begged her to help me cooking it bc I'm kinda lazy and she agreed after all we are close. It's been 9 minutes the soup it almost done (don't bill me for putting 9 minutes! I'm not a chef! 🥲) Thai got a bowl for the sinigang and I putted some soup in the bowl and bring it to mal and indo's room, Thai opened the door and we saw him, mal is still sleeping Thai worked him up luckily he woked up. I told him to eat and take a rest bc you know, he's sick. He just nodded and eat the food Thai left the room and so as I.

No one's pov:

Indo is hanging out with his new "gf"(the one he kissed yesterday) he muted his phone so no one can distract them but suddenly his gf said " Indo? Can you do my homework for next monday?" She asked and without in another thought he said "yes" what an @$$ h0l3! He doesn't know the girl is using him to get high grades. The girl suddenly gave a whole note book for him and make an excuse "oh I gtg bye indo!" She said and left Indo just waved at her and went back to the Asia house, when he opened the door all countries in there was super shock to see Indo holding a note book.

"Let me guess, your doing someone's home work?":phil
"Yeah? And it's my gf's and she need it next Monday so why not help her?":Indo
" your such an dummy- she using you for high grade":Thai
"Do be suck a p*$$y thai- she will never use me":Indo
" don't you hear the rumors about her? She used a person for money and grades!":Thai
"Stop make things up thai- ik her and I love her so I'll do anything for her":Indo
" ok if you say so but I'm just saying":Thai
"Whatever- I'll just go to my room and do this homework":Indo
" you mean you and mal's room?":Phil
"Yeah, yeah, whatever":Indo

And Indo left, when he went to his and mal's room he saw mal sleeping he thought to himself " such an lazy head" he thought and just went to the desk and do the homework of his "gf". 10 minutes later he's finally done he will give the homework to his gf tomorrow. He went to his phone and scrolled through social media suddenly he saw his gf's post with an another man kissing that asked Indo remember what Thai said earlier and he felt mad he grabbed the notebook and ripped off the notebook and trow it out off the window (the window is open) and went out to go to the backyard. But suddenly he heard someone's voice behind him.

" told you she's using you":Thai
"Wait- how did you know abt that?!":Indo
" bc I saw this notebook have been destroyed and thrown out by your window and it's your "gf's" notebook that's why":Thai
" but why did you ignoring mal? You know he's worried about you right?"-Thai
"Ik that... It's just.... I want him to have a peaceful life":Indo
" but it doesn't mean to ignore him...":Thai
"Mal is sick today..... We still don't know why...":Thai
" what?!":Indo
" why didn't you tell me?!":Indo
"Phil said to not say it to you bc she said you won't care":Thai
" oh....":Indo
"That's why he's sleeping rn...":Indo
" ohhh~ look is catching feelings for mal again~":thai
"Oh shut up-":Indo
" phil?!":Indo
"The one and only!":phil
" can y'all shut up-?":Indo
"Ok ok jeez":phil
" btw mal is awake":phil
"Oh ok! How is he feeling?":Thai
" still sick":phil

Indo got up and went to he's and mal's room. When he got inside someone hugged him from behind he turned to see... Mal! Ofc it's him! " oh mal I heard your sick?" Indo said but mal stood there silent but still hugging Indo.

Omg! The longest chapter I ever made yet?! Thank you for the support! I'm so grateful! And sorry for not updating this for awhile anyways... TBC!

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