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Walker Prince

"Wait, you what?!" I yelled staring at my dad aghast from across the room.

He shrugs so nonchalantly I want to punch him and nods his head stiffly, "the fundraiser. I volunteered you to help. Don't have me repeat myself again Walker."

This is unbelievable! This is literally the most unbelievable thing I've heard come out of my dads lips. "You can't actually be serious."

He frowned, "I'm dead serious son! Do not look at me like that."

"Are you crazy! I don't have time for some stupid fundraiser! Why did y..."

He rolls his eyes and I watch as his body language screams he's done with this conversation and then he is. He walks away in the middle of me talking and leaves me alone in the living room.

I clench my fists and lock my jaw. Somewhere I can feel the adrenaline beginning to burn through me. Like a hot iron left on to long and if I don't get it off it'll burn me. I move and am running before I know it. School starts in less than an hour, I'm still wearing my running clothes, haven't showered, and would much rather skip school and practice and this stupid fundraiser. If only right?

Not wanting to relive the Tyla debacle I put all possible attention on my surroundings. My mind still wanders but I'm able to at least watch where I'm going.

In all reality I don't care about the fundraiser. I'm fine to do it, how hard can it be? What bothers me is that dad volunteered me without even consulting me! What a dick move! He knows I like to clear things and yet he just promised me over without a word to me.

I want to piss him off, make his word empty by not showing, not participating but I know he'll only take it out on football. Right now I'm wishing he wasn't my coach in this moment so I could do something to piss off my dad and not fear for the game!

I blink a couple times as I round the corner and the school comes into view. The grass is covered with people scattered out chatting. I duck my head and bee line it for the back locker room entrance. I remember the duffel with extra clothes I left in there. I'll grab a quick shower and than switch out clothes. Hopefully I'll remember later to take these dirty ones home.

The locker room is basically abandoned so I take my time showering and getting ready. The water is cold which probably means some sports team, probably the tennis team, used up all the warm water up!

Dick faces.

By the time I'm ready my hairs still wet and I'm wearing the baggiest clothes I own. I forgot I'd left black sweats and last years football sweatshirt.

"You look like shit!" James laughs.

"Who cares?"

He shrugs, "all the girls," his voice went up two octaves as he said, "I don't get to stare at Walker's perfect butt or ripped arms!"

I smacked him, "chicks do not say that."

He scoffs, "only guys who all the girls talk about would say that."

I smirk, "yeah and remember that!" he rolls his eyes, "hey, you said it man!" I laugh defending myself.

He ignores me, "Mrs. Corn was looking for you."

I raise my eyebrows, confused, "why?" I'm not even taking a class from her.

James likes to hang out with a lot of the kids from the baseball team. Alex sometimes tags along with us but he doesn't particularly like the baseball players. He usually sits in a corner and buries his nose in a book. Aside from that he thinks their cockney aholes or something. I agree with him. But I guess if I can always find James, so can other people, like Mrs. Corn.

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