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Walker Prince

The last few days have been weird.

School's weird.

Football is weird, practice is weirder. Something's off with Alex and James, and I don't know what. Ever since I was a no show during halftime they've been acting strange. James is giving me the cold shoulder, probably cause I've been blowing him off and he's pissed, and Alex is closing in on himself, which I hate. It makes him play bad. Which isn't good becuase then, during practice, Dad has the freshman QB playing instead. Right after game one, where we dominated and than he's pulling this. Way to mess with his head.

And Tyla.

My hand tingles at the thought of her and for a second I can feel her hand in mine all over again. I've replayed those moments over and over. Why did I grab her hand? The thought makes me sick, I'm an idiot. After what she did for me on Friday I haven't been able to get her out of my mind.

Up until that moment I hadn't had any idea what I was going to do. And than she appeared. Those minutes I was waiting for her had been the longest of my life. The odd thing is, even now I'm having a shadow of that same feeling cause she's not near.

She's been running around in my mind constantly. I saw her argument with Phillips at school, and clearly it was about me. I know I'm not the most well liked guy in school, Phillips probably is up on the scale compared to me. He holds his temper better, but I've gotten to be in a better standing than Silver in his mind right? From asking around I've gathered that her and Phillips are close, never dated or anything, but they hang out.

It doesn't matter, either way, friends or not I have to follow through with her. Somehow show her that I'm not like Silver, that I'm better, that I'm worth knowing. That I'm not that guy that said those words about her. She didn't hear them but I act like she does, I should've never stooped to his level. I just want to know her and I hope she wants to know me.

Thankfully we're stuck together for at least this next week. The fundraiser planning and the math test. I can get to get her to more than like me by the end of that.

Alex and I are sitting at one of the outdoor tables near the main doors at the school. The bells gonna ring soon but I'm not moving until than. Alex is snoozing next to me and there's a couple other football guys and cheerleaders crowded around the table. I've been faking checking my email to get out of chatting with people. Their all talking about celebrity crap and recent news. If we were talking sports or something remotely interesting I might be inclined to join, but this, heck no!

"What day is it?" I ask nudging Alex. He jolts awake and looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

He shrugged dropping his head back on the table. His forehead had the little diamonds of the table imprinted on them and I couldn't help laughing at him.

"Shut up man! I'm trying to sleep!" He hissed.

"Dude go home!" I shove him and falls to the right before jolting back up and struggling to steady himself.

He squints and rubs his eyes, "I can't. If I'm not in class this week I won't get to play the game on Friday."

I scoff, "you're crazy man."

He mutters something under his breath and yawns in between before saying, "I had a fight last night, dad kicked me out of the house."

"Why didn't you come to my place?"

He moved his head back and forth, "Didn't want your dad seeing me."

I scoffed, "I live in the basement, you could've climbed in the storm drain."

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