
49 1 0

Tyla Bradley

I glanced at my watch for probably the eightieth  time and slammed my head against the table. He isn't coming. What an asshole. I should've known, even with that message that he'd blow me off.

I fingered with the bracelet Zoey and Andrea had given me. This morning I'd paired my outfit to this bracelet, not that it mattered. I don't plan on ever taking it off, but I want people to notice it. Specifically Andrea and Zoey. I need them to know how much this means to me. I was wearing a forest green shirt with the short sleeves folded up a little and a pair of tan shorts and brown sandals. The season is quickly shifting as the temperatures drop and we get closer to September. It's only a week away. I have to take advantage of summer while I can. My leg is almost healed. The bruises are that ugly yellow green color they turn right before completely healing. I can walk without any pain or tightness and the road rash is almost completely gone. Any traces of Walker disappearing.

If only I could cross these two other things fully off my list and be rid of him altogether. But glancing around the basically empty library I know he's not going to show. I had wanted to talk about his text, tell him to forget about the fundraiser. I have it handled so he can cancel his dunk tank thing and not show his face at the fundraiser. It will be better that way. He doesn't want my help, my opinion, nothing, so I don't want his either.

I thought by the end of the day I'd be done with Walker... well that is except for the math class we share all year, but that's besides the point.

I lower my eyes to the math test thats been sitting in front of me for a solid thirty minutes and decide I better not waste my time anymore. If he ends up not showing and helping I'll just tell Walsh and let him deal with it. Maybe if I'm lucky he'll switch my partner.

It's been too long since math last year. I scan over the questions, flipping through the six pages and frown. None of these seem simple enough for me to get out of the way first. Guess I'll just start at question one. I pull my math book close, slip in my AirPods and shuffle play on my mood playlist. An old 80s rock song blares into my ears, drowning out the silence. I don't need his help anyways.

Of course an hour and a half later with only two pages done I'm beginning to change my mind. This is going to take forever. Each question is complex and requires a good walk through from the book. My confidence is quickly lowering. How am I supposed to pass this class when I can't honestly answer a single question on the practice test without help!?

My hair had previously been in a loose braid but as I began fingering my hands through it in panic and stress I undid the braid letting my hair wild. I'd brushed through the curls this morning, not an easy task and the braid had been an attempt at looking cute. I failed, my eyes feel blood shot and I've ruined my hair. What's next Walker will walk in?

A clearing throat made me squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, spoke too soon.

"I can't stay but I thought I'd come grab the test and finish the rest of it. Sorry I cou..."

I looked up and glared at him. He stood in front of me, hands clasping his backpack straps and his hair looking incredible. Normally it looks messy but not right now. Did he actually do his hair today? And I'm standing here... forget it!

"You what?" I ask since what he said went in one ear and out the other.

He watches me for a second and than seems to remember something and shifts his hands from his straps to his pockets. That was weird. He's wearing a white t-shirt with a black long sleeve button up over the top. It's tight fitting around his arms, accentuating the well toned muscles he has. He has black jeans on and black sneakers. What's with all the black? Don't get me wrong, he looks good but it's just dark.

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