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Tyla Bradley

For a moment I just kept walking. If I get to Zoey than I can put off dealing with the tension between us, tension I don't care about clearing up. We'd made everything clear when we ended it, when I ended it. He seems to enjoy reliving things, causing pain for others. It's his way of reminding you he exists. I want nothing to do with Silver, and he knows it!

My heart beats picking up speed and finally I halt. So close, I'd almost gone the whole day. His voice had sent a cold shiver up my spine and not in a good way. To think I'd ever been attracted to him, I should've listened to Ty.

If only right?

But I'm also not going to let this continue any longer. The slight pulsing pain of my knee and elbow echo in my mind and I spin around to face him.

He gives me an arrogant smirk and I clench my teeth together.


Silver Rivers is the spitting image of Taylor Lautner when he was staring in the twilight saga. I hate twilight now thanks to him. And my mom loves it still so she makes me watch them all the time. He has the beautiful copper colored skin and perfect black hair. He puts way too much product in it and would never let me touch it. There is this complex about him that has him always needing to look his best. He never lets loose for a moment. It's sickening.

I can't imagine keeping up the facade and image he does. It's exhausting to have been apart of his world for just a summer. He tries too hard!

He has this charming smile, too charming. It used to mesmerize me but now as I look at him trying to win me over with his smile I want to gag.

"What do you want?" I say acting bored.

He comes closer, slowly, dragging this out, how fitting for him. Shoulders back, chest puffed up, just like a gorilla. The way he walks, as if he owns the world makes me want to punch him.

He should be our school mascot, I think he'd kill at it. He already acts like a gorilla, let's have him dress up as one too. The thought makes me smile.

I'd been so silly, so dumb to fall for him. I'd thought of myself better than all those other girls once. But if Silver is a pro at one thing it's convincing a girl she means everything to him.

And I fell for it.

Once he's accomplished that he treats them like shit and than pushes them to the curb.

I will never be fooled again.

And I'm just glad I caught on before I was made a fool. Not that it lasted, Silver made sure to end up on top—at the top of a set of stairs that is. Remembering that instance of being on the ground and looking up at him makes me squeeze my hands into fists.

"I'm here to apologize," he says sincerely. So sincere it almost sounds real. Wow, he should join the drama club.

'I will not be fooled again,' I repeat in my head before saying out loud, "I don't care to hear your apology," I hiss, "we'd ended things good Silver. I thought we could be civil, maybe even friends, but no, you have your reputation to uphold and so you try to put me in your designated place for me."

I learned from my mom that letting a guy walk all over you will only end with you hurt and in tears. I saw my mom go through it and I refuse to ever be that girl.

I close the last few feet between us and poke him in the chest. He's wearing this nice white v-neck shirt with perfectly fitted black jeans. He always looks like he's stepped right out of a magazine. I appreciate being real, like Walker. He showed up to school wearing baggy sweats and having messy hair. His attitude of not caring what others think of him is attractive, I'd never realized how attractive until now.

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