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Tyla Bradley

"What do I do?" I cried looking at my best friend expectantly.

Her eyes were wide and in a confused way, which doesn't bode well for me. She's supposed to make this all make sense. Ugh! She's going to think I'm crazy.

"I've heard about this kind of thing before," she said slowly as she tapped her finger on the table. Somehow the lunchroom had been open before classes start. We're hiding out here avoiding everyone and I told her everything. Well... not everything but I filled her in on the weird stuff going down with him. The bent helmet, hole in the locker, broken computer table and door knob. I thought she was going to stare at me dumbly forever so this is better but she looks like she has no clue of anything and is just talking to talk.

"Maybe it's like some weird kind of adrenaline problem that's like super unheard of?"

That didn't make any sense.

Actually nothing about this makes sense why am I trying to make it.

"Maybe I go ask Mr. Hart, he might know." He's the science teacher, at least the one I'm willing to go talk to. He's my current science teacher.

"And how exactly would you go about it?" Zoey asked, "my friend suddenly has like unheard of strength and it's freaking me out! Not to mention I somehow am always near to witness it?" She offered giving me a knowing look.

I smile guiltily, my cheeks hearing for an unknown reason I can't explain, "it's all coincidental! I just run into him all the time." Okay I do know but it will not be happening anymore because we're not talking, like at all. He avoids me, I avoid him. Friday is in two days and we're totally screwed in all departments! Warrented I probably deserve the avoidance. I said too much, pushed too hard. His medical condition is his business and how he chooses to handle it—stupid or not—I shouldn't be putting my nose into it.

But that's what I do! I've always had this weird complex about helping people, or at least advising them. Maybe it's because I've been doing it for my mom forever. I hate people being up in my business but I'm fine with being up in theirs. I'm such a hypocrite!

"What are you doing?"

I glance at Zoey and drop my head in my hands, "can we just go back in time and erase that one moment I ran into Walker Prince? It's messing up my life!"

"What's got me all confused is why I'm just now hearing about all of this?"

I shake my head, "because I didn't think it was of note. Zoe I hoped Walker was just this walk in walk out part of my life, but it's been like a week and my life has like spun 180 degrees!"

She grinned, "I don't think I've ever seen you so..." she paused searching for the word and than smiled bigger, "dramatic."

I dropped my head onto the table and the bell followed soon after. It's Wednesday. In two days our big practice test is due in math. Something Walker and I haven't even talked about, and the fundraiser is a bust. Might as well strip me of my student co jacket now.

Zoe taps her nails on the table for a solid thirty seconds and I lift my head a little to stare at her. She looks amazing today. Her hair is curled to perfection and she's gone the extra mile and done makeup today. Her nails that she got done look better than the picture she'd gotten off Pinterest that she based them off. Her entire outfit correlates, blue jeans with a smocked orange top that shows off her figure. She's wearing orange sneakers I've never seen before and her cute blue nails stand out.

I was lazy today, didn't completely change out of my running gear. I'm still wearing the tank top but just tossed a jacket over it to hide the fact I'm still in exercise clothes. At least I exercise. That's what I'll say if anyone asks. I'm still wearing shorts cause of my leg, which is mostly better but still a little irritating. I don't know if shaving is a better trade then just enduring the slight discomfort of pants, but here I am. My old worn converse are on which look awful next to Zoe's brand new pair. Ugh! I need new shoes.

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