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Walker Prince

I can't do anymore school today. Watching Tyla walk away after I blew everything was painful. I couldn't explain, nothing would make any of it okay. It was just starting between us. I could see it in our body language and facial expressions. She was starting to like me, and I blew it! I'm an idiot! Damn it! I stand in the doorway watching her retreat and then giving dirty looks towards Walsh who stands by his desk. I knew he was a jerk but this, really?!

He has no idea how much I want to punch him right now! How much I need to punch him! Why did he have to do it like that? Why couldn't he have pulled us aside? Tyla is completely innocent, I don't understand why he wouldn't listen! Why won't anyone ever listen?!

My brain stops working momentarily and I lift my closed fist and put it through Walsh's door window. The glass sprays against the wall and onto the floor. My hand stings as I pull it back and I can see two clear cuts from the glass sprawled across my knuckles. The pain is oddly satisfying, a breathe of fresh air from this odd pain building in my chest. I hear Walsh, can see him coming towards me. I react quickly backing up and giving him the bird. He halts momentarily worried I'll come at him next. He should be worried, but thankfully I'm smarter than that.

"Walker!" He yells!

I book it down the hall knowing full well he can't catch me. Shit! What did I just do? I'm probably suspended at best, I'll have to miss a game, maybe more. Maybe they'll expel me. I should care shouldn't I? I'm so mad right now I don't seem to.

My head hurts a little as I grab the handle of my car door once I'm in the parking lot. No one is coming. I'm sure they've called the on campus cop, he'll be after me in a second. I need to get going. I pull and the handle of my door comes off in my hand, crap! My eyes widen as I stare at it and then I hear yelling.

One of the principals, I think is barreling towards me, looking funny with his pot belly bouncing all over and him motioning the cop to follow. He's trailing behind, speaking into his walkey talkie.

Screw it.

I punch the glass of my window and it shatters, just like I expected it to. I didn't even punch that hard, what's wrong with me? I pull my hand back which is even more bloodied and shake it out swearing under my breath. Blood sprinkles across my face. I need to get out of here before I do anything else stupid. I can't even think right now. Where's my asthma it usually makes an appearance at moments like this? I've never wanted an asthma attack more, they ground me and stop my spiraling anger.

I brush the glass off and leap in the truck. My phone starts vibrating, I ignore it. I ignore everything. The crowd of students, the teacher yelling at me, the cop trying to wave me down. Instead I turn the key, rev the engine and squeal out of the parking lot. My mind is spinning, I'm so mad, it's literally heating me up. I glance at my reflection in the rear view and sure enough my cheeks are red. How could Walsh do this? He should've pulled us aside, should've let me take the blame. I'm replaying the moment in my head, over and over again. It'll never change though. The look of shock and betrayal on Tyla's face will never leave my memory. I like her smile so much better, why did I do this? I'm so stupid.

I drive as slow as I can manage to keep from getting pulled over. The only smart thing I've done in the last fifteen minutes. I'm surprised the cop didn't come after me. Maybe their confused, or just calling my parents. Shit I didn't even think about mom and dad. Dad is going to kill me, ugh.

I can't keep anything straight in my head. Once I reach a park I pull off and clamber out of the car. I'm a little dizzy and stumble to a bench where I go to sit down, instead my hand connects with the bench and the bench gives, bending as I put any pressure on it. I pull back and stumble backwards falling on my butt on the sidewalk.

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