
54 2 0

Tyla Bradley

They were talking about me I knew it. The way the two of them kept glancing back at me. Mouths moving and expressive facial features. What were they saying?

I tried my best to not let it distract me as I helped the next guest. Five young girls, tickets to my little pony. Let's put them next to Walker. I reached over below the counter and rang for help again. There is at least fifteen people in line and I'm the only one manning the tickets. Where is everyone else?

I shifted my eyes permanently away from Walker and James and focused on getting through this line. That was one thing I like about working nights at the theater, never a slow moment it seems.

My leg still aches from earlier. I took a couple Ibuprofen before my shift started but if they worked they didn't work well and they wore off too quickly, that or they haven't kicked in yet, because I'm still in pain.

Mom had let me bum around the entire day which probably didn't help. Moving around would've been better than sitting and letting it all stiffen up. I also felt extremely guilty just lying there—not really that hurt—while mom was working nonstop. She always worked nonstop, and if I didn't keep up my stress and anxiety would shoot through the roof.

Work was helping until Walker showed up.

Don't look at him again!

I kept my head facing forward helped the next couple customers but felt like I was getting nervous. Anxious chills we're beginning to run up and down my spine. No help had come, and Walker was probably back in line waiting to torture me again.

"Ryan wanted me to come relive you so you can go on break," I blinked and looked to my right to see a girl I didn't know stepping into the ticket office. She smiled at me and starting logging in to one of the computers.

I let out a deep breath and nodded, "I'll be back in fifteen."

She nodded her head in response, while her eyes remained on the screen.

Just like me her hair was in a messy ponytail, with some of her hair out and framing her face. She was a stark blond which conflicted against her pale skin. She looked over me, catching me staring and frowned. I nodded my head and bolted out of there. Regretting it as soon as I was out of the office when my leg protested.


Every time I feel slight pain from this I think of Walker. Blonde hair blue eyes and probably as much trouble as any other football player.

I'd done my time and had regretted it the whole time. Silver was someone I wished I'd never let myself get entangled with and I'm sure Walker would be the same. So why do I find myself looking for him?

"Looking for someone?" I hear whispered in my ear. His breath hits my face and I spin around brushing against his arm. We're standing within inches of each other which brings heat to my cheeks, putting a grin on Walkers face as soon as he notices. I step back and glare at him.

"I'm pretty sure your movie is starting."

"It's okay to admit you like someone."

Arrogant much? "I don't even know you."

"So you were looking for me?" He gives me a sly grin, half of his face lifting. His eyes are wide, and a light of mischievous that I know doesn't bode well for me sparks in them.

I swear under my breath at my mistake and shake my head, "don't flatter yourself."

He sighs dramatically, "too late."

I roll my eyes and move around him, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the entrance, "here I'll show you to your movie. You're obviously lost and I know how much you wanted to see My Little Pony!" I basically yell the last part and more than half the heads turn to look at us.

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