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Walker Prince

Last night was still playing in my head, like a dream. The beginning of the season; with school and everything else compounding on top the good seems very small.

So last night when the boys proposed some crazy party happening in the town over—our rivals—and how we should go; I jumped on the bus!

My teammates get out of hand a lot! I usually don't participate, but something about last night made me ease up. Alex and I didn't sneak in until 4 or 5 am.

I didn't regret it until I feel cold water on me and wake up to my dad standing over me, a pitcher in one hand, the other on his hip. And an oddly satisfying smirk on his face.

I bolt up as the water seeps through my blanket and runs off my chest and soaks into my mattress.

"What the hell dad!" I roar as it runs off my face and drips down sending chills up my spine.

"You're late for school, get up and get ready!"

I fell back against the cushion and winced as my head hit the wet pillow. Ugh. And than I got hit with more water mixed with ice and leapt to my feet as my dad stepped backwards. The ice dropped off me and fell on the floor. I noticed the pitcher in his other hand and glared. He'd been holding another pitcher behind his back, that jackass.

"Dad! I'm awake!"

I can feel the water still running down my body and it makes me lock my fists. He doesn't look like he's leaving until I'm leaving. I groan loudly, throw back my head and stomp towards my closet. I'm shaking off the water and rubbing my hand in my hair to get it drying when my foot catches on something. I trip over the top of it and land on the ground my legs left on top!

My dads laughter thunders through my ears and I scoff as I glance back, "Alex?! You didn't wake Alex up?"

Dad's still laughing but he gets out a muffled, "he's not my son."

Alex is sprawled out on the ground with nothing but a blanket. Despite us yelling he's just barely starting to wake up. His eyes are droopy as he glances at me and quirks an eyebrow. I just shake my head and drop it on the ground while dad laughs.

"Your finding this oddly hilarious," I mutter, "did you plan this?"

"Wasn't about to stop you."

"What's going on?" Alex yawns, propping up a little and dragging his hand across his face, "I think I'm hung over from that dang stuff they gave me at the ER," he moans blinking hard a couple times and than glancing at me, "I think I'm a little hung over from that party last night. Who knew the panthers could party so...."

It took him way too long to notice and by the time he did my dad had gone completely silent.

"You went to a party last night?" He asked quietly.

I'm dead.

"Look at the time," I glance at my watch less wrist and jump to my feet, receiving a hmph sound from Alex as I push off of him, "you're right dad I'm going to la..." I trail off as I hear the click of pitchers on the window seal.

"Walker," he hisses slowly, deliberately.

I have no excuse, and he knows that. I can read it clearly on his face as he gives me a disappointed look. His eyes shift down for a second and he sighs, "we'll talk about this later."

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