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Tyla Bradley

I could feel his eyes on my back but had to get away. I'm stronger than this, better than the stupid, unexplainable attraction I'm feeling. It had been so easy to bury it when he was messing up, but now he's fixing it and he came to class and turned our test in and he's smiling and laughing and...

You're so easy Tyla! I shake my head and slam into someone sending me stumbling backwards, "sorry," I say not sparing them a glance. I move to keep going and I bump into another person. What is wrong with me it's like I'm drunk or something?

"Sorry," I say again making eye contact with some random girl.

"Hey," he grabs my elbow and an electric shock runs up it. I gasp and pull away, harshly, too harshly, it sends me sprawling forward and bumping into another student. This time Walker wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. I can't breathe. What's happening? I have never felt like this. It came on so suddenly. One second I was making fun of his shoes and the next I'm completely losing it.

"Are you okay?"

He's warm, and he smells good, and I'm dizzy for a second. My eyes rise to his and he quirks an eyebrow.

"What is going on with you?"

Good question, if only I could answer that.

"You infuriate me," I state pushing against his chest. Wow, it's hard, sculpted, one of my hands pauses and I hear his heart speed up as he glances down. The heat incasing us quadruples and everything else around fades out. I'm talking to myself but also him. It's not seeming to register for either of us.

His hand is at the small of my back, it feels like a hot iron. Not in a bad way, more like a warmth I never want to be without. Where did these thoughts come from?

I bite my lip and it pulls his eyes to them. I can see his pupils dilating, his eyes widening. What is going through his head right now? What is going through my head? It takes everything in me to not look at his lips. If I do I'm sure we'll kiss, and I refuse to let that happen. I refuse to let myself be driven by this sudden onset--random I might add--emotion. I'm smarter than this, just like Ty said, but am I? I want to kiss him, I think he wants to kiss me. We're giving all the hints right here in the middle of the hallway, in front of everyone!

Is this all because he actually showed up to math with the test? He proved me wrong, and now everything I've been wanting to think but have been forcing out of my mind is crawling in, all at once!

Stop it!

Finally my brain catches up and I really push away from him, "I'm going to be late for class."

I don't even get two steps before he grabs my hand, "wait I... we," he stops, clears his throat and says again, "we should talk." My eyes skirt around, we're getting odd looks. Can everyone else sense the chemistry? I just told him I hate the eyes and here we are, me aware of them, him oblivious to them, something having changed in the last two seconds, like a light switch. His hand holds my fingers and I glance down at them.

"Not here," I mumble, shaking my head, "I'll see you at the fundraiser Walker."

He's confused, I'm confused. I walk away somehow, this time watching where I'm going, and he doesn't come after me.

Walker Prince

What just happened?

I stare after her while people move around me and can't seem to tear my eyes away. She's moving fast, weaving in and out of the crowd. She doesn't look back, which is probably good because if she did, she'd catch me staring. What was going through her head? What's going through mine?

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