Chapter #16 Pointed Shoes

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 "There's a considerable difference." I teased, hanging my words like fish bait on a lure, begging someone to ask follow up questions. To my luck, they did.

"How so?" A man said, sitting on the second table behind me, leaning over the narrow aisle to hear me better. I smirked when I glanced around me to see just how big of an audience I truly had.

 I glanced to the other side of the table, disappointed to see Taehyung still immersed into his own world of exchange with the person next to him.

"Well," I began. Dozens of people around me leaned in like children listening to their teacher read them a story. I was truly finding delight in this moment.

"He's a two faced lover. He'll use gentle touches and kind words to shadow his manipulative lustful intentions."

Everyone leaned in even closer like school girls listening to the juiciest gossip they ever heard.

"He looks so cold but in reality he's like a greedy child. He begs for attention like a toddler with grabby hands, saying things like 'Come cuddle me.', 'No, don't go for too long I'll miss you', he'll even whisper words of affirmation in my ear all day like a fly on the wall of my bedroom, 'You look so handsome today', 'You should join me for dinner, I yearn for that beauty of yours', I'll find him begging for attention all day like puppy."

Everyone cooed, squealing like I was telling them about their favorite characters in a romance. Most of the girls were blushing like crazy. I glanced back over the table immediately smiling wide when Taehyung was making direct eye contact with me, listening in on the conversation.

 He was learning about himself at the same time all the strangers were. Accused of things he's never done.

A truly hysterical situation. Men and women around me followed my gaze to Taehyung. Some of them getting an entirely new and unfamiliar confidence, forcing questions from their mouths that they would have never asked if they weren't so devoted to the made up stories I had them hooked on. A bunch of mice chirping in the face of a lion. I smiled brightly letting everyone else do the rest.

"Is this true?"

Was what most of them barked at Taehyung. I was just as curious as they were to know what he'd answer with. His emotionless expression changed into a cruel gaze, clearly communicating that he's accepted the challenge. He readjusted himself in his seat. Finally he answered the begs of the people.

"I'd say you're being slightly over dramatic, darling." He finally answered, sending every one of the mice into silence. His words rolled off his tongue like an intoxicating warning. I answered with a smile. I leaned forward, resting my head on the palm of my left hand, cocking my head slightly.

"Is that so?" I beamed. The audience we attracted was silent, entirely lost in the tension between me and Taehyung. Not one person dared to say a word, all of them glancing between us like we were the most entertaining thing on the planet. He smirked.

"Now let's not get too detailed. I wouldn't want a habit of yours to slip from my tongue. I could always start with the cucumber."

My eyebrow raised. My mind pushed into deep thought. He saw me that night after all? Thousands of thoughts were prying at the flesh of my brain. No. I couldn't get distracted. Not when I had a man with a gun pointed at my head right in front of me.

 I needed to keep my finger on my own trigger. Everyone was sending bullets into Taehyung, praying with everything in them that he'd elaborate on what he meant by the cucumber. I threw my hands in the air playfully.

"Now let's not get too feisty. I admit I can be a little dramatic." I said, attempting to slightly de-escalate the situation. He smirked, equally amused as I was by this unfamiliar situation.

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