Chapter #19 What You've Started

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~~~~~~Authors Note: I'm open to any ideas any of you might have for the plot~~~~~~

I dragged my feet up the steps. Mrs. Uim greeted me at the door. Both of us shared an unspoken comfort between us, like both of us were happy to be returning to somewhat of a routine. She slid my jacket off, firmly pressing her fingers into my shoulders for a small massage.

"Rest well." She said in a whisper. She disappeared down the hall, most likely going to sleep herself. This was what our old routine was. 

She'd wake up an hour earlier than me and wait just until I arrived home safely from work to go to sleep herself. I shuffled up the stairs and down the hall towards my bedroom. An audible yawn released from my gullet.

I practically slammed my body against the door to open it. I dragged my feet into the dark room. I unbuttoned a few buttons from my black blouse, letting it hang low with a large sum of the chest exposed. 

I unbuckled my belt, throwing it carelessly somewhere in the room. Just as I began my descent towards the bathroom my feet halted. I blinked, my eyes forward, trying to process if I saw what I thought I just saw.

I gulped, slowly turning my gaze to see a dark figure sitting in a vanity chair in the corner of my bedroom. The figure didn't move, it just stared. Since my dumbass didn't even bother turning on the lights when I came in, I couldn't see who it was. I couldn't even guess if I wanted to. It was just a dark figure.

"Hello?" I whispered. The figure remained unmoving. I swallowed. I slowly backed up, my hand waving around in the darkness until it found the wall. 

I ran the tip of my middle three fingers across the wall as I backed up, hoping to find the texture change of a light switch. Just as my finger grazed the light switch covering, sounds of rustling forced my eyes to lock on the figure.

The figure swayed from an upright position. It began to walk slowly towards me, the floor creaking as it moved across the room. My eyes widened.

 I flopped my hand against the wall, my hand slamming into multiple things, my fingers had lost the location of the light switch in the panic of watching the movement of the mystery figure. I found the switch once again. 

Just before I was able to flip it, cold fingers wrapped around my wrist, yanking it just far enough away from the light switch to where I couldn't reach it.

I turned myself toward the mystery person, prepared to do whatever I needed to defend myself. I could feel the warm minty breath against my lips, their face inches from mine. Startled, I stumbled backwards, my heels hitting the wall with a hollow bang. 

I gasped, the air in my lungs being sucked right out. The hand that was once wrapped around my wrist was gone. Two hands were pressed on my shoulders forcing them against the wall, one on one shoulder, one on the other.

I panicked, beginning to struggle by squirming against the wall. Seeing how much mobility I had gave me the knowledge that I was stronger than the person pinning me against the wall. Just as I was about to push my hands against the person's chest to rip them off me it spoke.

"Stop struggling."

My eyes practically left their sockets. Taehyung. His deep, breathy voice was the most recognizable voice in the world. Truly one of a kind. 

The fear that I had originally felt by the unknown was replaced by a much more powerful horror knowing that I was in the same room as a very dangerous man when I was half asleep and incredibly disoriented.

"Why are you-"

"How was work?" He interrupted. My arms hung limp at my sides, my breathing shallow as I was still processing the context of what was happening. My mind finally processed his words.

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