Chapter #32 The Plot Of Impropriety

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Crinkle. Flutter. Crinkle. Flutter.

A sea of crushed papers laid in mangled balls around the living room, a few had even successfully made the journey into random flower vases, lodged between the stems and transparent glass, the tips of the paper dissolving in the low lying water. 

Bizarrely, a piece of crumpled paper somehow found itself swaying in the natural breeze of the room, the thin sheet caught in the narrow crevices of the chandelier that hung nearly twenty feet above.

"How about you make a rule that Taehyung has to eat crickets with every meal?"

"I once watched him eat chocolate covered crickets for his own enjoyment one night while he was working. That would hardly be a punishment"

Jimin groaned audibly.

"We've been at this for three hours Jungkook~ we haven't even agreed on one, let alone five."

I rubbed my stomach. My gut bubbled and growled from the sheer amount of food I had stuffed in my mouth over the long span we've been sitting here. I had eaten such a plethora of small snakes made out of strips of mangoes that I was certain I'd have my face over a toilet bowl in the near future.

"Maybe I really should move out of the country," I said defeated. Yoongi nodded in agreement. He gave up on even trying to offer ideas about ten minute into the discussion.

"Kook we've got leave for work in an hour we should wrap this up."

I was so caught on to the nickname that I hadn't processed anything he said after that. Kook? Should I give him a nickname? Are we already at that level of friendship? 

Would it be rude if I didn't? Is Yoongi too formal? If not Yoongi, then what? MinMin? Yoon? Gi? Gigi? Yoongi spelled backwards? Ignoo-Ign-Ignooy? Wait no, that sounds stupid. What if I call him-

"Jeon." Yoongi said coldly.

"Did you fucking hear what I said? Work."

I glanced at the clock.

"Oh yeah." I said with a shrug. I was far too determined to write the contract that work was registering as optional. I rubbed my temple. 

Jimin had his head resting on my shoulder, his feet kicked up on the coffee table. I watched him move a small daisy in a vase with his big toe. He flicked the pedals with his nail. His other toes were curled around the rim of the vase.

"I know, how about you just write a whole bunch of rules forcing him to act nice to you. His rules all followed the trend of professionalism and creating distance between you two. Your rules should be contradicting his. You did say you wanted to take a passive aggressive approach. Force him to treat you like a real husband."

I scoffed. Then I let the idea linger. Then suddenly it didn't seem so ridiculous.

"You think so?"

"I was kind of joking." Jimin said, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. It was only a matter of time before he'd give up on me and leave

"Let's just do that." Yoongi said in exhaustion.

"Got any specific ideas under that category, Yoongles?"

Silence. Really loud silence. The kind of silence where nails on a chalkboard would actually be a more pleasing sound.

"What did you just call me?"

"Nothing." I answered quickly. My eyes looked forward, water formed in the corners from such a long extended time of not blinking.


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