Chapter #20 His Brother

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Pain. I was in a lot of fucking pain. Ever since Taehyung dragged me into the dining room to spew out his whole retribution shit about how I started the end of the fucking world...I wasted no time sprinting out of that hell hole.

When I say no time I really mean no time. In fact as of right now I was sprinting down our driveway bare foot. I didn't even spend the time to put shoes on. I was vulnerable because of how exhausted and disoriented I was. I needed to to find a safe place.

I needed time to get away and really think about what I've just started. Small pebbles scraped and impaled the bottom of my feet, yet I didn't slow down, not even a little. The pain was nearly unbearable but I pounded my feet against the ground continuously. 

With car keys in hand I slid into the drivers seat of my car, my bloody sock pressing against the pedals. I was still wearing my black work blouse, many of the buttons still unlatched from only moments ago when I thought I was headed for a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

On the bright side Taehyung's little speech woke me right up. The wheels of my car carved deep black marks into the driveway as they swerved out of its parked position. 

My foot was pressed firmly on the accelerator. I spared a short glance in my side mirror. I wish I hadn't looked. Standing at the top of the stairs in front of the entrance was Taehyung, waving with a disgusting smile painted on his lips.

I looked forward immediately. He's going to wish he didn't start this with me. If it was anyone else, maybe they might just drive their car right off the cliff, a death that would most likely be much more peaceful then what Taehyung had in store.

 But me? I may be running away, but once I get my shit together I'm gonna bite that motherfucker in the ass.

I needed a safe place where I didn't have to be paranoid. The only way I was going to make it out of this was if my mind was clear as day. My actions as planned out as they could possibly be.

 That meant finding a place where I could actually sleep. Jimin's place crossed my mind, but if there were a place that he'd come for me first, it was there. I knew where I was headed but I also knew the likelihood of this plan working was slim.

For over an hour straight I drove, my eyes forward, my mind blank. If I let myself think, I was afraid of what'd it do to my already deteriorating mental state. I finally reached the part of Seoul with redevelopment signs.

 A place with broken stop lights, abandoned shops, slanted roofs that were once leveled, graffiti on every plain surface. Although it was very unwelcoming on the outside every building was illuminated in my eyes by a very special person that lived here.

The store signs swayed in the crisp morning breeze. It was nearly 7:00 am. The buildings swallowed everything on the streets with their vast shadows. Garbage and stray animals pattered along the street. Plastic bags tumbling with the wind, one side flattening every time the wind pressed it to the ground. 

 I parked my car along the street, knowing damn well there's a good chance it wouldn't be there in the morning. As of now though, material objects meant very little to me.

I walked along the thin streets, entering multiple alleyways as I swiveled through the dirtiest corners of Seoul.

 At times I'd hear the footsteps of someone behind me. I didn't even bother looking, I felt like if something were to happen to me, no matter what it was it'd be a step up from the life I was currently living.

 By the time I reached a familiar set of stairs my sock was soaked with blood, leaving red smears on the gray pavement as I walked.

The rising sun was so bright that it lit my every movement, my shadow waving across the street like a living black creature. It was almost comforting having the daybreak casted behind me. Almost like a faraway comfort and warmth lighting even the darkest places.

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