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Lucille's POV;

"What do you want Rooster?" I held the door half open, not allowing him to just strut through. He stared at me for a moment as if I should've invited him inside in a heartbeat.

He let his body connect with the door frame, leaning against it casually. Looking completely unbothered which annoyed me.

"I'm trying to eat, so if you're just going to stand there, I will shut the door" I smiled sarcastically. His eyes roamed my body, very obviously. I hated the effect it had on me, the way my body temperature instantly rose, I stood straight and tall. My breath hitched in my throat.

He wore trainers, blue jeans with a black fitted T-shirt. It looked as if the T-shirt had been made just for him. He looked sculpted.

"Okay" I finally added going to close the door, and yet not getting very far when his hand pushed back on it, stopping me. "Seriously what do you want?"

"I want to talk about today" I wanted to roll my eyes, but I restrained myself.

"What about it?" I knew he wouldn't be leaving soon by any means, he stood his ground, foot parked at the bottom of the door and hand on the door itself, this time I did roll my eyes, not at him, at myself, for opening this door and allowing him to walk inside.

He entered, standing just inside the lounge area, looking around, I closed the door behind him, shaking my head. I looked over at the clock, 19:48.
He continued to look around, eyes falling to the couch where I had left my night ware out, not thinking I'd have any guests. He laughed at the sight of the black vest and shorts.

I followed him toward the kitchen, standing on the other side of my island while he took it upon himself to get a glass and pour some water for himself, "sure help yourself" I tapped my finger on the counter. He ignored my words taking a long drink from his glass. I watched him side on while he did, the veins in his throat prominent.

I wondered if his moustache would get wet whenever he drunk? Or perhaps he'd learned the best way to avoid it?

"It's lonely don't you think?" He finally spoke again.

Lonely? What living alone? Did he not live alone before coming here?

I shrugged turning away from him, just as he'd turned to face me, I looked around the cosy little place they'd loaned me. Sure it could get lonely, but we were so busy all the time you almost didn't have enough hours in a day to feel lonely, just to work, eat and sleep.

"I like the peace of it" I hummed, tilting my head slightly as I did. He again let out a deep chuckle. I didn't think much of it, he used to do that all the time, knew I'd get flustered when people laughed at me in case I'd done or said something silly. Although, I hadn't seen him in years and I was a totally different person now.

He walked around the island after sitting his glass down and stood beside where I leaned my elbows against it.

He didn't speak for a moment, just looked down at me. I could feel his eyes, but refused to give him the satisfaction of staring back or crumbling under his gaze. "This little visit has been invaluable believe me, but, I have food to eat and a shower to enjoy" I paused turning my head briefly toward the bathroom, "so, are we done here?" I turned to my side to face his body which was still facing ahead.

His head still turned with eyes on me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Why did you stick up for me today?" His words surprised me, not enough to see it on my face I would hope. He was referring to what I'd said to hangman, I just couldn't figure out how he'd know.

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