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Day three;

Maverick had the guys flying the same course as yesterday, instead of 3 minutes he chopped it down to 2 minutes 50 seconds, even if no one succeeded prior.

A few groups had gone and none had completely succeeded, a few came very close, Thistle had gone around with Phoenix and Bob again, they got around as they should of but their time was 3 minutes 12 seconds which Mav hadn't been impressed with.

Lunch had came and all the aviators were sat around tables eating the provided lunches, some sort of chicken wrap with loads of veggies and a salad on the side.

"I've never been a salad person" Lucille spoke to Natasha who sat across from her. Natasha laughed as she forked some of her own salad into her mouth, "I do love cucumbers though" Lucille lifted a piece of cucumber on her fork, making a humming sound to dramatise the eating of her chosen vegetable.

"You would" Phoenix smirked and laughed after Lucille gave her a horrified look.

"Keep your voice down!, Jesus Nat what age are you?" Lucille tried, she really tried to be serious, but as soon as Nat raised her brow she started to laugh.

They continued to eat, the wrap was nice enough, better than the salad anyway.

Lucille lifted her gaze after taking a sip of her water to find Roosters already on her, he did not shy away from her, his eyes stayed on her while he chewed, his jaw moving catching her eye. His ego and confidence baffled her, she'd caught him staring and he continued.

She didn't want to look away first, although he didn't exactly give her very much option as he refused to.

"Staring again?" Phoenix had a smug look on her face when Lucille turned back to look at her. She shook her head in response, she couldn't lie, so she didn't answer at all, "was nice of him to check you were okay yesterday"

"Let me guess, you sent him?" Thistle raised a brow waiting for a response.

"No" Natasha replied quickly, she received a look of you're talking shit from her counterpart. "Seriously I didn't, he followed you from his own initiative" she was being serious, you could tell by her face.

Even if it made no sense, why would he actively check on her?

"Hey, Thistle, can I talk to you?"

When she looked up she expected it to be anyone, anyone except for who it was. Her eyes scanned him before meeting Natasha's with a what the fuck look. Natasha shrugged and nodded toward him as if she should go talk to him.

He stood awkwardly, which was very unlike him, until Thistle finally stood up.

"You're lucky I'm finished my food" she gave a sarcastic smile, not wanting to speak to him at all and yet she did, because she knew she was a better person than he was.

Eyes followed them as they walked out the dining room, no one's eyes burning into the back of them more than Roosters. Of course, Thistles back was toward him, but if she could only see the look spread across his face.

She walked out behind, following down the hallway. What the hell did he want.

He stopped ahead of her at the end of the hall, not entering any room which she preferred. The last thing she wanted was for someone to catch her alone in a dark room with,

Thistle ~ Bradley Rooster BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now