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8 years later

Pete Maverick Mitchell had filed into the board room behind many other aviators, captains and admirals alike along with a few family members of the graduating group.

The small makeshift stage was set perfectly central to the room, wooden chairs lined up before it. Wooden chairs that he knew would kill his back, and backside for that matter, although who was he to complain he'd spent his life cramming into tiny box like spaces.

He sat in the end seat of the first row, staring ahead, gleaming smile on his face.

Other people began to shuffle in, people he knew well who'd sat beside him, people who he cared most for. Originally he had heard the giggles coming from his side meaning he knew who was there before he'd even turned his head.

The lights on the ceiling dimmed and lights on the stage brightened.

A grey haired man making his way up to the podium at the far side of the stage. Maverick clapped his hands together, that smile still clear on his face, teeth bared and all.

The older man cleared his throat before beginning his speech about all the US navy has to offer, how the individuals that were graduating today were going from the Captain rank to the Rear Admiral rank. After droning on for what felt like an hour he'd finally pulled one of the two captains up on stage.

Photos were taken, a new badge was given.

Then it came to the second captain, the older gentleman once again cleared his throat, "May I present Captain Bradshaw" there were plenty hollers from Maverick which he did received a glare over.

The hollers causing the trouble maker at his side to start cheering and throwing his hands up in the air, something that made Pete and soon to be admiral Bradshaw laugh. However the person to the other side of the young boy, after discreetly laughing looked down to whisper in his ear, "shh Nicolas, we don't want to ruin mummy's moment do we?" Bradley Bradshaw smiled to his son.

Looking back up he watched proudly as his wife made her way across the stage toward the podium giving him a subtle wink in her passing.

Bradley had now lifted Nicolas up onto his knee, hugging him tightly.

"I give you all Admiral Lucille Thistle Bradshaw"

There she stood, in the exact position he'd heard her dreaming of for years, his wife of 5 years was now an admiral. Their 4 year old son breaking out of his grasp to run to Lucille as soon as she'd stepped off stage.

Her hands under his arms and pulling him up for a cuddle, "you did it" the voice of her pride and joy made her beam.

Nicolas Peter Thomas Bradshaw.

Nicolas of course in memory of Bradley's father and Petes best friend, the Thomas for Ice and well the Peter, that was fairly self explanatory.

Bradley and Pete came into an arms length of her to congratulate her, this was all she wanted. A family.

As for Bradley, he wanted Lucille, everything else was just the cherry on top of the cake, and hey, who'd have known he'd love Thistles so much?

Thistle ~ Bradley Rooster BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now