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His hands were dug into her hips, pulling her as close to him as possible. Running them up his sides slowly and watching her eyes flutter closed as he did. Hot tickling sensations running all over her body from his touch alone.

"Please" her voice had caught him off guard, it wasn't as usual, in fact it was sultry, begging.

"Use your words" he demanded looking into the eyes she'd only just now reopened. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her pupils dilated, small gasps and moans coming from her lips. Bradley basked in this, all this only from his touch?

"Please kiss me" she begged again, not giving a damn how it made her look.

"If we do this, there's no going back this time" his voice was deep, but it was his words that caught her attention, this time. What did he mean this time.

"This time?" She repeated his words back to him, something he hadn't realised he'd said in the heat of the moment. He let out a breath in anger, he couldn't explain all this to her, no way.

"What?" classic, play dumb.

"what do you mean this time?" She knew he'd kissed her before, knew that he'd made her believe he had feelings for her and hadn't, but she never went back on it, only Bradley.

"Forget what I said" this time as he spoke his hands removed themselves from her sides. Leaving him stood in front of her, no contact at all.

"Tell me Bradley" his eyes closing instantly at the sound of his name rolling off her tongue like silk, he'd always been thankful she hated him enough to never use first names. He took a step back and she a step forward. Her hand raised to his cheek, and she watched as his face softened, "you can tell me, please".

Her thumb rolled over the ball of his cheeks, "It's not that simple" it never is, she knew he wanted to tell her, just didn't know how she'd take it.

"Then we will make it simple" she smiled up at him as his eyes opened again, he looked at her as if he needed more reassurance, "look, you know, no matter how many times you've hurt me or toyed with my emotions, I still care for you, always have, even if those feelings are not reciprocated" she felt vulnerable now, but the only way for him to open up would be if she did.

"You really believe that?" He removed her hand from his face.

Her brows screwed up as she noticed him becoming irate, "I do care about you b-"

"No, you really believe the feelings are not reciprocated?" He cut her off mid sentence, his words far more compelling than her own had been.

She let out a breathy sigh, "come on Brad, what was I supposed to think?" The nickname only Lucille and his dad had ever used for him, "you pushed me away 3 years ago and you've pushed me away multiple times now, you always refer back to your lack of care for me" she paused, raising a hand to her head, "you tell me I'm pathetic, dangerous, that you wouldn't think twice about saving my life" she let out a laugh, "you really think I'd believe for one damn second that you care for me?" Now she was the irritated one, not him. All he felt was guilt.


"So please, tell me Bradley, why should I believe that you feel anything for me?" Now the sarcasm could be heard in her tone. She waited as he swallowed harshly.

He didn't know what to say, didn't think she'd believe him should he be honest.

She raised a brow stilling waiting, "you're right," he started making her huff in frustration, "I did say and do all those things, I did it for you" Bradley did not have a way with words and didn't know how to portray how he felt.

Thistle ~ Bradley Rooster BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now