Chapter 1

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"And little by little, she found the courage for it all."
-JH Hard

Have you ever wanted to die? Not die die, you just want the ground to open up and swallow you whole

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Have you ever wanted to die? Not die die, you just want the ground to open up and swallow you whole. I guess that is kinda like dying dying but in a more metaphorical sense. Yes? Well, I'm feeling that right now. As I sit opposite one of the most notorious boys in my year and contemplate every life decision that I've ever made. Starting with why I never revised for the oh so important exams I just had.

That's why I'm stuck here, re-learning the basics of A-level chemistry. I know you're probably wondering why is the cliche bad boy of the town, the boy that makes life miserable for everyone who encounters him teaching you chemistry? Trust me, I asked myself the exact same thing as soon as I walked into the classroom. The truth is, Preece Logan is... smart. He's smart and he's not afraid of showing it. And I'm thick as shit. It's not something that I want known so sitting here with Preece isn't exactly a dream come true. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I can be here for the next few weeks and ogle his gorgeous face.

I don't have a crush on him, like most of the population of this college (boys included), I just acknowledge that he's attractive and I wouldn't mind jumping his bones. Like fully, riding cowgirl style and spelling my name kinda beat. But that doesn't mean I have a crush on him. For me, crushes are about personality and heart. Even if Preece had a heart, his personality isn't something that I would lose sleep over. Long story short, he's a dick. And as much as I like dicks, this specific dick does not make my heart beat faster whenever I see him. As much as I wouldn't mind if he reached over, kissed me and railed me against this desk (which would be highly inappropriate in college), I'm a plain Jane. And guys like Preece don't go for girls like me. I fall into the stereotype of dumb blonde and I have the most ordinary face known to womankind. Nothing about me stands out or makes guys fall head-over-heels in love with me. I'm average. And Preece Logan is not average.

"Alana. For fucks sake, are you even listening?"

"Who's Alana?"

"Er... you."

"I'm Leona."

"Who cares? I'm not gonna waste my time here if you're just gonna stare into space for two hours."

"Hold on... two hours? Who said anything about two hours? I thought we were gonna have quick little five minute sessions."

"For fucks sake." I hear a thud just as Preece drops his head onto the desk. "What can you learn in five minutes, Alana?-"


"-You actually have to listen if you want to pass the re-sit." Preece grumbles before lifting his head up.

"I am listening," I lied.

"Give me a brief overview of what I just taught you." Preece folds his arms across his chest and lifts a perfectly sculpted eyebrow up.

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