Chapter 36

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"It's no use going back to yesterday,
because I was a different person then."
-Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland

Leona invites me back to her place, and I accept the invite

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Leona invites me back to her place, and I accept the invite. We both walk into her quiet flat, keeping our hands to ourselves. She doesn't talk as she walks straight to her room, and I follow her, closing the door behind me.

I watch as she sighs and sits on the bed, leaning down and pulling her heels off. She closes her eyes and sighs, pulling her hair out of her bun.

She looks up at me standing near her door with my hands in my pockets and she leans back. Her nipples are hard from the chill, and the black, silky dress accentuates her curves so well.

Slowly, she stands up and approaches me slowly, her hands on my chest. "What are you doing?" I ask her, and she swallows, slowly unbuttoning my suit jacket.

"I'm undressing you." She says, all matter-of-factly.


"Because..." She says, slipping the jacket off my shoulders. "I need a distraction. And I want to fuck you." She says, and I gulp.

"Yeah?" I say, my voice coming out as a whisper.

"Yeah." Then, her fingers mess with my tie until it too falls to the ground at my feet. Then, she undoes the buttons of my shirt, not breaking eye contact with me, once.

I'm just standing there, like a statue, letting Leona do whatever she wants to me. That's the kind of power she has over me. As soon as my shirt is off, her fingers slip under the straps of her dress, and she pulls it down until the silk falls into a pool around her feet. She steps out of it, covered only by her briefs.

Slowly, she takes my hand and lays me onto her bed, climbing onto my lap. She rolls her hips, and I close my eyes, my head falling back. "What are you doing?" I whisper, even though I already know what she's doing.

"Ssh." Leona says, slowly pressing her lips to mine. I curl my hands around the back of her head and kiss her harder, slipping my tongue into her mouth. Leona hums in approval, but before I can do any more, she's standing up.

"What are you doing?" I ask, once more.

"Wait there." She says. "Don't move." I watch as her naked self walks over to her wardrobe and pulls out a scarf. Oh, God. Then, she saunters back over to me and grabs both my wrists, tying them to the headboard.

"Oh my God, Alana." I mumble, watching as she climbs back on top of me and drags her nails down my chest.

"Be a good boy, now." She murmurs, and I think I'm going crazy. "Don't complain, okay?" She says, and she kisses my chin and paints my neck with hickeys before colouring her lips all over my chest.

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