Chapter 28

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"The human face is, after all,
nothing more nor less than a mask."
-Agatha Christie, Sad Cypress

Preece looks so peaceful when he sleeps

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Preece looks so peaceful when he sleeps. His lips are in a small smile and his skin is smooth and he seems so relaxed. I find myself smiling at him, my eyes dancing over his face.

Preece slowly opens his eyes, his eyes adjusting to the light. I see him smile when he notices that I'm awake, and I get out of bed. Preece rolls over, covering his eyes with his arm. "I'm going to go down and have some breakfast, okay?" I whisper to him, and he mumbles something back. I grin before walking out of his room and into the bathroom.

Opening the drawer, I find a new pack of toothbrushes and I steal one, reminding myself to pay Preece back. After brushing my teeth and using the toilet, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I've been to Preece's house enough times to know where most things are.

Instead, I'm met by two people. As soon as they see me, they stop their conversation, staring at me. I pull Preece's shirt down, even though I'm wearing shorts. "Erm... hi." I say, waving awkwardly.

They tilt their heads in confusion. "You must be a... friend of Preece's." The woman says, holding her hand out for me to shake. I slowly shake it before clasping my own hands behind my back. "It's lovely to meet you." She says, smiling sweetly at me.

"It's- it's lovely to meet you, too. I'm Leona." I say, clearing my throat. "Preece tutors me." I don't know why it's so weird meeting Preece's parents. Maybe it's because me and Preece aren't anything more than fuck buddies, or maybe it's because I never thought we'd get as far as meeting each others parents.

"Oh, you're the girl he tutors?" His dad speaks up, smiling at me. "We've heard great things."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I'm sure."

"Alana, who are you talking to- oh." I turn to face Preece who's frozen at the bottom of the stairs. He looks between me and his parents before focusing his attention on them. "When did you guys get home?" He asks, and I don't remember seeing another car in the driveway last night, so they must have come back late. Preece is standing behind me, his hand lightly on the bottom of my back.

"Late." His father says, crossing his arms over his chest. "How've you been?"

Preece smiles, his spare hand on his hip. "Good." He says. "I've been focusing on college and exams. They're in a few months."

His dad nods his head, smiling at him. "It's nice to see you moving on from-"

"Yeah." Preece interrupts, moving away from me and going over to the kitchen sink, pouring himself a glass of water. The sudden coldness from the lack of his touch freaks me out. "Well, how was your trip?" He asks, changing the topic. I stuff my hands into the pockets of Preece's shorts and watch in awe as Preece interacts with his parents. Something I wish I could do again.

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