Chapter 2

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"Books are mirrors: you only see in them
what you already have inside you."
-Carlos Ruiz Zafon

As soon as we're both in the car, I turn on the engine and pull out of the car park.

"This is awfully generous of you." I hear the blond beside me speak.

"Oh no, I'm just stalking you so that I can plan your murder properly."

"It's usually best to not tell your victim that you're going to kill them before you actually do it."

"Do you speak from experience?" I give her a side glance before focusing back on the road.

"Possibly. You never know, I could be giving you directions to my murder house." I stop the smile that almost etched onto my face.

"You're not capable of murder." I say, watching her reaction from the corner of my eye.
"Why not?"


"I swear to God, if you say it's because I'm a woman I will chop off your dick and feed it to my snake."

"Chill, I wasn't going to say that." I stifle a chuckle and run my lip over my bottom lip. "You're not capable of murder becuase you're too small and hideous to do such a thing."

Alana looks over to me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not small."

"Compared to me you are." I stood at an impressive 6'3. Alana wasn't actually that much shorter than me but it was fun to taunt her about it.

"Yeah, because you're abnormally large. Especially for your age."

"Do you have something against tall eighteen year olds? This is discrimination." I feign hurt.

"I have something against you." She states, crossing her arm over her chest. My eyes immediately fall to her chest and I quickly look away, focusing on the task at hand, driving. And trying not to get hard at the thought of Alana naked.

The entire two hours I just spent with her was spent trying to hide the semi I had at the sight of her. She was hot. Like, really fucking hot. As much as I wanted to bend her over the desk and fuck the living daylights out of her, I had enough knowledge on women to know that when they look at you a certain way, they're not interested in you. And Alana was looking at me like that the entire time. The constant eye roll, the glares, the tired I-wanna-go-home eyes.

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