Chapter 45

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"If I loved you less,
I might be able to talk about it more."
-Jane Austen

I sat on my bed, nervously waiting for Preece to call me back

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I sat on my bed, nervously waiting for Preece to call me back. He didn't answer when I called him and I stupidly word-vomited into his voice mail. I bite my nails, my legs bouncing up and down as I stare down at my phone, waiting for it to light up with his name.

I told him I loved him. Those words left my mouth, I love you, too. I don't think I've ever been happier. Although I've had a really shit year, Preece has been a light in all the darkness. He opened my heart and sprinkled his love everywhere, making sure I knew that he belonged to me, and I to him.

There's a knock on the door and I jump to my feet. I'm rushing out of my room and throwing the front door opens. Preece stands there, looking at me like there's no one else in the world worth looking at. He's looking at me like he's been blessed. He's looking at me like he loves me.

"You love me?" I hear him say, leaning on the doorframe. I quickly nod my head and Preece breathes a sigh of relief, before he leans down and picks me up. I squeal in happiness and grin, interlocking my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Preece carries me to my room.

His hands are underneath my ass, and I look up and kiss him before he has the chance to lay me on my bed. Preece freezes at the feel of my lips against him, and I kiss across his neck and his cheeks and his lips.

I find myself being pressed to the wall, and I tightened my legs around him, so I don't fall. One of Preece's hands is on my hair whilst the other is still holding me up.

"Say it." I hear him mumble. "Say you love me." His lips move to my neck and I lift my head up, closing my eyes.

"I love you." I breathe, with no hesitation. "I love you so much." I say, and Preece smiled against the skin behind my ear. Then, we're moving away from the wall, and I'm being lowered onto the bed.

"I can't believe you told me over voicemail." Preece chuckles, sitting up and pulling my black tank top over my head. He presses a kiss to each of my boobs before pulling off his own shirt. I drag my hand down his abs, and Preece's shaky breath fills the room.

"I couldn't wait." I say as Preece lifts my hips and yanks the shorts down my legs. He grabs a condom, pulls down his joggers and slips it on. "I wanted to tell you face to face, but you left really early."

"Yeah." Preece says."I didn't want to overstay my welcome." He mumbled, lowering himself onto me and pressing a sweet kiss onto my lips.

"That's funny, because you're always inviting yourself to places-" I try to say, but Preece presses a finger to my lips, shushing me. I lift my hand and trace a finger down the bridge of his nose and over the outline of his lips. I lick the end of his finger and he grins before widening my legs and guiding himself inside of me.

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