Chapter 19

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"I have no desire to suffer twice,
in reality and then in retrospect."
-Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

" -Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

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Woah. I don't think I've been attracted to Preece as much as now, when he was sticking up for Prima. It's so... Just, ugh. Is it possible for someone to be so undeniably attractive?

"You just called me your friend." Prima scowls, shuddering and knocking her shoulder into Preece. Preece looks down at her and grins, swinging his arm over her shoulder. She shrugs him off, pushing him away lightly.

"It was better than calling you a piece of shit, wasn't it?" He asks, and I'm glad that they're kind of getting along. Even if Prima continues to internally hate Preece for traumatising her, I know that they both have potential to get along and be really good friends.

"You think you're really funny, Preece, but you're not." She says back to him, and I let out a little chuckle. "But, erm... thank you. For sticking up for me." She says quietly and quickly, and I silently praise her for ignoring her pride and thanking Preece for sticking up for her.

"No worries. I'll probably get excluded for the fight, but it was worth wiping that smile off of Nate's face." He says, and I remember Preece saying that Nate wasn't a very good friend. I wonder what he did to have such a bad reputation. Clearly, it wasn't the right time to ask, so I bit my tongue and carried on walking to class.

"God, I wish it was me who threw that punch." Prima mumbles, and I smile to myself. "It looked so satisfying." She says, interlocking her arm with mine. Preece says his goodbyes and rushes up a block of stairs whilst me and Prima walk past the study area to get to our classes.

It was two weeks before my Chemistry resit and I knew I had to ace it. If I don't, my grades will be too bad to be allowed to stay here. And Preece will be right. I am too dumb to be a part of this college. My worst nightmare. Not only will I be letting down myself, but also my father. This was the college he went to. He encouraged me to go here. I can't let him down.


Because the tutor session was cancelled, me and Prima decided to go to a random house-warming party that she had heard about. The owners of the house were a few years older than us, so we had to be careful not to get caught. I wore a light blue, skin-tight dress that ended half way up my thighs. The spaghetti strap dress fit me perfectly, accentuating my hips. My blonde hair cascaded down my back in loose waves.

The phone call that I owed my mother was on the back of my mind and I was trying to forget about it. So, I'm going to drink my pain and anxiety away and play random house games to help debunk my mind.

As soon as we walked in, most people were sitting in a circle, playing a random game. Instead of joining them, I walk to the kitchen, my arm entwined with Prima. She grabs a bottle of some random drink and pours into a new cup, passing it to me. I take a couple sips before deciding that the taste is too disgusting to get drunk on.

"It's the only thing they have." Prima scoffs, noticing my reaction. She frowns and puts the bottle back down. "What a great variety." She says sarcastically. Then, she leads me into the main living area. "I have a feeling this party is going to be boring."

"Is Luke here?" I ask her, remembering that she mentioned something about him before we left the apartment. Prima nods her head, scanning the group of people for her friend. Her eyes widen with joy when her eyes land on Luke, and she drags me towards him. Prima jumps and her arms go around the back of his neck.

"Lukey Boo!" She squeals as Luke's arms curl around her waist and he spins her around in his arms. I find myself smiling at their cute as shit friendship. I don't really know how long they've been friends, or how they even met, but I'm glad they have each other when things get too much. I'm Prima's best friend. The one that she relies on when she's upset. A shoulder to cry on. But, I know that everyone needs more than one, close, true friend. I may not have that, but I'm glad Prima does. We're both quite popular in college. We have a few friends that we talk to, but none of them know us as much as we know and love each other.

"Prima Donna! I haven't seen you in ages! How've you been?" He asks her, putting her down and grinning at her. You can tell by looking at the way both of them communicate that they love each other greatly.

"I've been good." She replies, running a hand through her thick, dark hair. "I've missed you so much, Lukey Boo. We need to catch up." She says, and I realise that I'm probably not going to get my friend back. Smiling to myself, I pull out my phone and pull up his number. Preece.

I think that, right now, I would love to see him. I'd love to do more than just see him, but I have to do this one step at a time. Instead of hesitating, I press the button and call him. Surprisingly, Preece answers straight away, like he was waiting for it.

"Alana." He says, in greeting.

"Hey, Preece." I say. "I'm at a party right now. I was wondering if you wanted to... I don't know, join me?" I hear Preece chuckle from the other end of the call, and I roll my eyes, smiling to myself.

"Wow." He whispers. "Is Prima boring you that much? That you have to resort to such measures?"

"What, asking you to hang out with me? Yes, if I must, I will stoop that low." I say. "And, how did you know I was with Prima?" I wonder.

"Parties aren't your scene, Alana." He says. "It's highly likely that Prima dragged you to that party." Preece adds. And, weirdly, he was right. Parties aren't my vibe. Though I do like dressing up every once in a while.

"Okay, whatever. Are you coming, or not?" I ask, hearing him chuckle.

"That's what she said."

"Oh my God." I groan, throwing my head back. "You're childish."

"Yes, Alana. I'm on my way. Send me the address."

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