Chapter 16

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"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired
to help me find you."
-Paulo Coelho

I look down at her, her beautiful face shining up at me

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I look down at her, her beautiful face shining up at me. Her blonde hair is sprawled across the pillow and her heavy breathing fans my lips. Her blue eyes scan across her face and I notice the moment they change. The moment the regret seeps in and the mistakes fill her.


"I should go home." She quickly says, her hands pushing on my chest. I fall onto the bed next to her, and she quickly gets up and grabs her clothes. I watch as she hurriedly puts her clothes on again, not even turning around to face me as she stumbles out of my room.I slowly sit up, using my hand to hold up my weight. I get up, pull up my boxers and run after her. By the time I reach the top of the stairs, I hear the front door being closed. I sigh, running my hand over my face and through my hair.

Either Leona got scared and realised she made a 'mistake', or she's one hell of a player and I just fell into her trap. I sigh and drop my forehead into my hands. The cold air hits my body and I need to get under my duvet. I walk back to my room and crawl under my covers, pulling them up to my shoulders. The bed sheets smell like Leona, and I can't help it when I take a big whiff.

It's weird, because yes, I was sexually attracted to Leona, but I never thought I'd enjoy having sex with her as much as I did. Not that I thought about it, because I didn't. I just thought she was pretty hot. And sexy. And now I know what she sounds like when she's been driven crazy, I don't think I'll ever recover. Her loud moans are casually playing over and over in my head and I can't get that damned sound out of my head.

Groaning, I sit up and grab my phone from my bedside table and bring up Ashraf's number. He answers pretty quickly. "Hey, dude." I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Logan. What's up?" He says, and I can tell he's bored with whatever he's doing. That means he's most likely to be studying.

"I wanted to ask if there was any party tonight. I need a distraction and I'd prefer to get pissed at the same time." I tell him, getting out of bed and grabbing my trousers from the ground. I hold my phone to my ear using my shoulder and stumble into the trousers.

"Erm... I think there is. I heard Maxwell was throwing a party. We can crash it, if you want." He says, and I imagine him scratching his chin as he speaks. The thought makes me giggle.

"Fuck, yeah." I say.


Entering the party with Ashraf by my side, I make my way straight to the booze. Grabbing a bottle, I instantly open it and take a drink. Ashraf gives me a confused look, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What?" I ask him. "Am I not allowed to drink?"

"No, of course you are." He says, looking me up and down. "You've just never been this desperate to have a drink. Is something wrong? You okay?" He asks, and that's what makes Ashraf so different to my old friends. He understands. He cares and knows when I'm upset. When I was friends with Daniel, we never knew when our other friends were upset. I guess that was another reason that led to the downfall of our relationship.

And Meredith. Yeah, she played a big part in it as well.

"I'm totally fine." I tell him, grinning wider than I usually do. "Absolutely fine." I lie. I don't even know what's wrong with me, but something is. Leona isn't the first girl I've slept with since Meredith, but the two months of celibacy had finally caught up to me. I never let feelings get in the way of sex, but something feels different now. I don't have feelings for Leona, I know that. She's hot as fuck, yes. She's attractive, yes. But, because we're kind of friends and I still have to see her almost every day, it's definitely... weird. Especially if she ran out on me the minute I made her cum.

I can imagine her laughing to Prima about it, how I fucked her and she was so easily able to leave. I can hear their laughter in my head. It sends a shiver through me. Shaking my head, I rid myself of every thought of the blonde girl I'm tutoring and her weirdly fun-to-be-around best friend.

"You sure?" Ashraf asks, and I remember that I'm currently having a conversation with him. "You look a little pale." He says, tilting his head in confusion at me. I sigh and press my hand into his shoulder, holding on to him as I take another swig of alcohol.

"You really wanna know?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow at him. Ashraf nods his head. "Fine." I say. "I fucked someone, and now my dumb brain won't let me forget about it. As much as I want to, all I can hear is her in my head. The way she-"

"Okay, mate." Ashraf says, pulling away from me. A look of disgust colours his facial features. "That's enough information. I literally just thought that something was wrong. is all. I wasn't expecting your problem to be sex."

"You don't get it. I was celibate for two months." I say. "Two months. That's a big deal for me, you know that."

"No, I didn't know that." Ashraf says. "And, I don't think I wanted to, either." He jokes. I laugh, having another drink. Then, because the taste of the alcohol was boring me, I placed the glass bottle back on the table and picked up another one, hoping it has a better taste than the previous.

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