Chapter 13

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"In case you ever foolishly forget:
I am never not thinking about you."
-Virginia Woolf

Leona walks back into the room just as I place my phone on the bedside table

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Leona walks back into the room just as I place my phone on the bedside table. She refuses to make eye contact and instead walks to the edge of the bed and pulls the duvet away from my cold, wet body.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I ask her, quickly jumping out of bed and facing her. Leona ignores me and drops the duvet onto the ground before grabbing a pillow from behind me. I sigh. "Alana."

"If I'm sleeping on the floor, I'm going to be comfortable." Oh. My. God. She really cannot take a joke. I start to laugh, covering my face with my hands. Shaking my head, I focus my gaze back onto Leona.

"Are you serious?"

She frowns. "Yes, I'm serious. Why wouldn't I be?" Leona says, tilting her head to the side. It's crazy to think that this is her in a good mood. I wonder what her bad moods look like. I don't want to know. "Oh, wait... you were kidding, weren't you?" She closes her eyes and sighs, royally disappointed in herself. "Fuck." She mumbles.

"You know, you're unintentionally funny, Alana." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. I walk over to her and pull the duvet out of her hands and throw it back onto the bed. "It's cute how you never understand sarcasm, but don't mind spewing that shit out whenever you have a conversation with me."

"Your sarcasm is different to what I'm used to." Leona says, sauntering past me and climbing onto the bed. She crawls under the covers and pulls the duvet up to her neck. When she lays down, all you can see of her is her face and her long, blonde hair sprawled behind her. It's a little cute.

"What sarcasm are you used to?" I ask her, joining her in the bed. Instead of sharing the duvet like a decent human being, Leona shuffles back, wrapping it further around her body. "Alana." I scold, pulling the corner of the cover. Unfortunately, Leona's grip on the duvet was too strong for me. She refused to share, and personally, it annoyed the shit out of me. "Alana." I grumble.

"What?" She asks, innocently.

"Give me some of the duvet."

She shakes her head. I huff and place my hands on my hips. "Alana. Give it to me." Instead of listening, she shakes her cute little head again. So, I use all of my strength and pull the duvet away from her grasp.

"No!" She shrieks, yanking it away from me. I end up tackling her, dropping my body on top of her and grabbing the sheets from under her waist and pulling them away from her. "Preece!" Leona squeals, trying to push against my chest.

"Not today, Alana." I tease, falling back onto the bed. "It's fucking cold, and I'm not going to freeze to death because you want to be a selfish dick." I say, pulling the duvet over my chest. Leona's pervy stares are cute, but too much.

"Why don't you put a shirt on, then? Don't complain about how cold you are if you're just going to sleep naked." He gaze flickers down before she looks back at me again. I find myself smirking at her attempt of discreteness.

"Why don't you give me a cuddle? It'll warm the both of us up." I joke.
Leona rolls her eyes, sighing and laying down. "I wouldn't be caught dead cuddling you, prick." She turns away from me and budges up to the edge of the bed. Slowly, I grab a corner of the duvet and cover her body with it. Then, I slip out of bed and walk to the bathroom opposite the bed.


I woke up with something underneath me. Slowly lifting my head, I'm met by blonde hair. And then, everything comes rushing back to me. The football game. The storm. The inn. And Leona. Who is currently sleeping underneath me. My head had been on her chest and our legs were tangled together. Both of her arms were around my neck and my hands were resting on either side of her head. Fucking hell. Who- what- where- when- how did we end up in this position?

Slowly, Leona stirs in her sleep, her eyes slowly opening. She registers what's going on and completely freezes. "What the fuck is going on?" She whispers, her arms slipping off my neck. The curve of her breasts over her shirt was... staring me right in the face and I need to get out of this position before Leona feels what's going on in my nether regions. I quickly lift myself off of her and drop next to her, bending my legs at my knees. Leona slowly sits up, running a hand through her unkempt, blonde hair.

"I guess we couldn't resist each other." I joke, resting my hands on my stomach. Leona glances at me, and then her eyes trace over my face, down my stomach and to where my hands rested. She blinks a few times before looking away.

"No one must ever know about this." She whispers, slowly climbing out of the bed. Leona lifts the corner of her shirt that had fallen off of her shoulder and awkwardly waddles into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

It's funny that Leona mentions that no one can know about what happened. It means that she doesn't know what happened all those months ago. In all honesty, Ashraf would be the only person I'd have told.

When you get your heart broken and the whole of your friendship group hate you, it's hard to make friends again. Lies about me spread through college so quick, that even if I tried to tell the truth, another version of that lie would erupt. I'm surprised that Leona doesn't know a version of the truth. Knowing her, she would definitely have asked me about it.

I never noticed it before, but Leona is a great distraction from that past. Whenever I'm with her, I find that I rarely, if ever, think about Daniel or my ex. I don't know if that is a good thing.

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