Chapter 13

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It was Thursday night and Chris was coming over to have dinner with Posey and I also to bring Dodger to stay with us while he was gone over the weekend. Posey still had no idea and I knew she would be excited. We heard a knock on the door and Posey rushed to answer it while I was in the kitchen.

"Um...excuse me?! Are you allowed to open the door?" I asked and she sighed.

"It's just Chris." She said and I huffed a laugh and opened the door and she went to jump in his arms bit saw Dodger.

"DODGER!" She yelled and he barked excited. Chris took his off his leash and they went running in the house.

"So I'm chopped liver if the dog is around." Chris said making the assumption.

"Well you have me. I didn't leave you for your dog." I said and Chris laughed as he walked in.

"Yet...." Chris said and I laughed as he leaned in and kissed me.

"You staying the night tonight?" I asked and she sighed.

"I can't..." Chris said and I looked at him oddly as we walked into the kitchen.

"Why?" I asked upset.

"Because I have a car picking me up at 4am to get me to the airport." Chris said and I sighed.

"It could have picked you up here." I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey...just because I have to leave doesn't mean I don't want to stay, trust me I wish I could but I would hate to wake you or Posey up that early." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know. I've never been in a relationship where the other guy was the one leaving. I'm always the one going away." I said and Chris smiled.

"Now you know how hard it is when you go to away games." Chris said and I smiled.

"Yeah I know, trust me." I said. Chris helped me cook and we cooked in a comfortable silence as we heard Posey playing With Dodger. Once dinner was ready I got her washed up and we sat at the table.

"Can we tell her?" Chris whispered and I nodded.

"Hey, Pose....I have a favor to ask you." Chris said and Posey perked up.

"Yeah?" Posey asked.

"So you know I'm going out of town this weekend?" Chris asked and he face fell and it made my heart slightly break knowing she loved Chris so much.

"Well I need someone to watch Dodger while I'm out of town. Do you think you could do that for me?" Chris asked and Posey looked at me.

"Can we mom...please?!" Posey begged and I smiled.

"I think that would be okay." I said even though Chris knew the answer was definitely yes.

"We can watch him!! Dodger can sleep in my room." She announced and I nodded.

"Sounds like mom is sleeping all alone." I said and Posey giggled and Chris sighed and took my hand.

"Hey...I will be back Sunday." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know and I expect you in my bed Sunday night." I said and he smiled.

"Yes ma'am." He said and leaned over and gave me a small kiss.

"GROSS!" Posey said and we laughed breaking apart. Once we finished dinner Chris suggested on watching a movie before he left so we all got a little bit more time together. Chris had to sit in the middle of Posey and I since we both wanted him with us. Posey insisted on Beauty and the Beast and I smiled knowing it was my favorite. As they movie was on I cuddled into Chris's side.

"Posey already beat you at the cuddling game." Chris said and I looked to see she was already cuddled into his side. I smiled and shook my head.

"She is such a little brat." I said and Chris smiled. I leaned up and gave him a small kiss.

"Thank you for coming over tonight." I said and Chris looked at me oddly.

"Why wouldn't I have, I would have been here even if you weren't taking Dodger." Chris said and I smiled as I cuddled back into him and he held me a little tighter. Once the movie was over I sent Posey upstairs to get ready for bed after she said goodbye to Chris. I walked Chris out to his car and I sighed.

"So call me whenever you can?" I asked and he nodded.

"Every free moment." Chris said and I smiled.

"I'll see you Sunday. Not sure what time I will get in but your house will be first stop." Chris said and I smiled and pulled something from my back pocket.

"Here." I said handed him a key.

"Front door key and the security code is Posey's birthday." I said and Chris smiled. We had covered all birthday and I knew he put hers on his calendar.

"You sure?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yes Chris in case you get in late night or early morning. You can get in and just be with us." I said and Chris smiled.

"Sounds amazing." Chris said as he leaned in and kissed me.

"I will call you tomorrow, see you Sunday and please keep my dog alive and don't spoil him too much." Chris said and I laughed.

"You left your dog here with us Evans, he is going to be spoiled by Sunday. I think a trip to the pet store tomorrow is needed." I said and he groaned.

"Oh great." Chris said and I laughed. He opened his car door and I didn't let go of his hand I had started holding.

"You have to let me go Maisie." Chris said and I sighed but did.

"Travel safe." I said and Chris nodded.

"Call you tomorrow." Chris said. I watched him get in his car and drive away before going inside. After I locked up for night I headed to my room and saw Posey and Dodger in my bed.

"Slumber party?" I asked and she smiled.

"So you aren't alone mommy." She said and I smiled as I got in bed and cuddled Posey and Dodger laid on the foot of bed and we all quickly fell asleep.

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Chris called first thing the next morning to check on us and Dodger. I reassured him we were all okay, Posey and I ate breakfast, I fed Dodger and then as I told Chris we headed to the pet store to spoil Dodger. As we were walking with the dog through the aisle I looked up and saw a face I hadn't planned on seeing.

"Maisie..." He said and I sighed.

"Jacob." I said and I grabbed Posey.

"She is getting so big." Jacob said and I shook my head.

"Don't." I said and he looked at me.

"She is my daughter." Jacob said.

"Not since you left." I said. Posey was looking at me.

"Mama?" Posey said.

"It's okay Posey." I said.

"Hey Posey, do you remember me?" Jacob asked.

"She wont know you Jacob." I said annoyed. He leaned down to Posey's level.

"Hey Posey, I'm your dad." Jacob said. 

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