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Rowan pov

I Watch Natalia's interaction with her subjects; she seems so relaxed and deadly at the same time if that were possible. I followed her through the "compound" and it was terrifying guns, knives, all weapons you can think of in a training room, and the scariest part of all it had a Dongen. When we trekked down the stairs it was fine till we got a call. Inside the cell looked like a man. I wondered why he was being held there and suddenly a man with brunette hair and the build of a soldier appeared and said "he is ready QUeen." Natalia replied with a curt nod and walked in and her demeanor changed the way she held herself to the look in her eyes. She had a predatory grace now instead of an innocent one and it was very unnerving.

I watched as she used a dagger and spoke "why have you betrayed the morals and killed one of your own." The man did not speak and she plunged the dagger into his thigh and asked again    "why have you betrayed the morals and killed one of your own.''She sounded more irritated, her voice dropping an octave to that of a truly crazy person who only cares about death. Then he did not answer again and so she stabbed the other leg and asked again.  "why have you betrayed the morals and killed one of your own."This time I think if he did not answer he would die and again he bit his tongue and she stabbed him in the chest and dragged it down and walked out and told Sebastian to clean up the mess and walked out and all she said was " now that is done let's go home shall we." As usual, I replied yes DArling let's go home. It has been a long night.'' I took her hand and led her out the way we came in.

When we were walking she did something unexpected. She asked me what I thought of her job. I replied that it is interesting. Do you mind telling me what you do? I would gladly tell you what we do is take out the criminals the law enforcement is too scared of or can not find or the politics. I replied that it is amazing dear. She then said thank you and then her voice dropped and she said tell anyone and you will not live to see the next sunrise. I was taken aback but responded with of course darling I would not dream of it. Right as we ended the conversation we were in the car and I expected her to go to the driver's side but she went and climbed in the passenger and said I do not know where your house is you drive and I hoped in the driver's seat and adjusted the mirrors and took off towards home. A while later I heard soft snores coming from the passenger seat and looked over, she was asleep she must trust me enough to fall asleep in my presence. I looked back at the road and turned onto my driveway to my mansion /home and drove into my garage and parked and got out and thought, should I wake her or let her sleep? I chose to let her sleep. She already seems to be lacking sleep so some sleep would be good for her. I bent down and grabbed her bridal style and walked over to the door leading into the house and readjusted her sleeping figure to be able to open the door. Once the door was open I walked in,  shut it, and looked at it. Then I headed to my room and tucked her under the blankets after taking off her leather jacket, shoes, and socks. I then went to my bathroom and got a washcloth from the cupboard and put warm water and soap on it and walked back to the bedroom and gently wiped off the makeup. After that, I went downstairs to attend to my dogs and took them outside, fed them dinner and gave them new water, and settled them in their beds with their toys and treats for the night. After that, I headed back up the stairs to get ready for bed. I changed into sweat pants and washed my face, brushed my teeth and crawled in bed beside Natalia and pulled her close, and fell asleep.

Natalia's pov

When I woke up I was resting and not in the car and my shoes, socks and leather jacket were on a chair in the corner of the room and I felt too warm so I turned and there was a huge arm wrapped around me. At first, I was about to shriek, then I noticed the arm belonged to Rowan who was starting to wake up. Whoops, I must have woken him when I turned. I noticed he was now fully awake. He lifted his arm and said good morning in a husky morning voice that was so alluring that I was caught off guard and just muttered good morning back and looked at the time it was almost Noon. I definitely overslept then Rowan asked "are you hungry Darling?" me not having eaten anything was starving so I said yes Dear I am thank you for asking. Anything for you darling I will go makes us something and when would you like to see what my job is like? I replied with yes I would very much like that Rowan besides it is only fair that you see what mine is like so I must see what yous is like. That is true Darling, why don't you get ready why do I make breakfast. Ok thank you then he left and I went to the closet to see if there were any clothes I could use and all my clothes were there. His men must work fast. I grabbed a pair of clothes and headed to shower. When I was done I got dressed, did my hair, and followed the scent of bacon to the kitchen where I found Rowan hovering over the stove making eggs and bacon that looked delicious, and the best part was I did not have to cook it.

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