Chap 8

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Natalia P0V

As I heard Rowan pick me up and walk to the car the sound of his heartbeat and the swaying and warmth of him holding me and walking to the car put me to sleep. As he walks to the car I slowly drift off and hold him tight like a well-loved plushie.

I wake at the sound of many voices saying let's get on with boy's night and pay no mind and fall back asleep till the morning after the eventful night of torture and emotions.

When I wake in the morning Rowan is still sleeping so I take it upon myself to explore the curvature on his face I look at his face and see how sculpted it is and I don't notice before im touching his face tracing the curves. His face is intimidating and sweet. My eyes travel to his eyes and see his GRAY EYES!! He has been awake this whole time. Fuck. He then notices my distress and says why did you stop it was very enjoyable to see you not able to stop yourself. What do you mean? What I mean is I'm so handsome you just had to feel my face to believe I am this handsome. Ugh, why are you so cocky in the morning? I don't know my dear why are you so cocky at night with torturing people. That's different. It is, is it? Well, we got a big day today. We do? Yes, we are going to the pack picnic where you will meet many new people and since I do not need a repeat of last time you can bring 6 daggers only no more. Ok, fine I will only bring 6 and a pistol. No, you are not being a whole armory at a damn picnic. Yes, I do you never know when there could be an attack so I always need to be prepared. My angel we are not going to get attacked but you can bring 5 daggers and a pistol. Ok, fine deal. I go and put on a cute outfit that consists of a leather Jacket and a black cocktail dress with red accents. It came down to right above my knee. The dress went well with my red leather jacket and my red and black heels then I did my hair which turned out stunning.

I then came down the stairs and saw Rowan in his picnic wear looking very handsome in his semi-formal suit with gold accents and shoes with gold accents too. We are ready to gland I'm mainly just hoping I do not faint this time around. I hide my weapons in my clothing as Rowan watches as I do making sure I only take 6 total but what he does not know is I now have 64 with me because I added some to blend in with my outfit before I came down and you can never have too many daggers they keep me and others I care about safe. I put them in my jacket. I then take Rowan's hand and we walk to the door since I'm not a patient person so I ask how far of a walk the picnic is. Not that far my angel only a 20-minute walk we are just heading to the pack house. I look up at his tall frame and reply sassily with I thought this was the pack house because your house is huge. No angel this is the alpha's house the pack is even bigger it holds all the teenagers and elders to give the parents space and peace of mind away from their troublesome kids and gives the elders things to gossip about and people to look after them. The pack house is also closer to the high school and the training area. By the time he finished explaining this, we were already 10 minutes into our walk. Man I love him but Rowan is very chatty sometimes I wonder if all he does is talk but I think not because he does not talk in his sleep or when not needed just when you get him going he does not stop. He then looks at me and says are you even listening to I look over at him and reply yes I am listening I just was wondering about the forest is there anything historical about the trees or any ting also how much father is the picnic? Rowan replies the picnic is not that far away do you feel better this time around with weapons on you. Yes, I very much do. That is good and there is something historical about these grounds. These grounds are where some battles took place in a war a very long time ago before we moved our pack here. I knew it I thought I felt a presence. What do you mean? What I mean is I can feel their souls, not at rest. How? I don't know I just do it is like a feeling of unrest and revenge. My angel how amazing you are. I can't believe I got blessed with you as my mate. As Rowan says the last words he ducks his head down and places a kiss on top of my hair. As Rowan Kisses my hair we are rounding the corner and he kisses it the people who were looking this way definitely saw because I start getting glares from some of the other girls. I look up at rowan and to be a bitch to the other girls that want him I step in front of him and stand on my tip toes and give him a chaste kiss on his lips. Rowan is taken by surprise but hides it and grabs my hands and continues walking with me to the gathering of people. Rowan then proceeds to drag me over to an elderly couple near a gigantic stage. I am snapped out of my daze when the elderly woman says you look better than you did last night my dear. What do you mean? Oh, my dear, my son did not tell you he called his friend to come to help him clean the car and get you out of the car because you were holding on tight like if you let go he would disappear. No Rowan did not mention that Mrs.... Oh dear, my name is Christina ROwans mother and this is his father he was also their last night. Hmm, Rowan did not mention any of that this morning. Rowan distracts me from wanting to stab him for not telling me what happened by saying, enough chit chat it is time to go up and introduce you and drags me up the stairs where he then grabs a microphone from the ground and says check 123 and then says Welcome to the weekly pack picnic i have special news to share I have found mate Her name is Natalia Death. Natalia is one of the wealthiest people in the world and lives here in Hawaii and runs the Misfits. Natalia is The Princess of the fallen angels. Some people then try and doubt me but to prove them wrong I give hope partial control and my wings sprout from my back and my whole outfit changes

Rowan then kisses my cheek in an attempt to calm my anger. I then say do you still think I'm a fake or are you more dimwitted than a pup. Rowan looks over and gives me a slight glare but I do not care. The supposed adult says I still do not believe you but I do challenge you for the right to your mate. I look into her eyes and see fear and soon she will be begging for my mercy. I then say so you are dimmer than a pup and I accept your challenge and jump down from the stage and get in a stance I hear rowan say that this is unacceptable behavior on both of our parts. I turn to him and sat she requested a challenge formally and it is the law that I accept it. While my back is turned the pup thought it would be a good time to attack. I lift my wings and turn in the air and unsheathed a dagger and hold it at their throat and say surrender and you live to make a move you die your choice I say loud enough for everyone on the grounds to hear. Many are still catching up with the turn of events. The so-called adult says I would rather die than lose to you. Then I look at the pack and say do you wish she lives or she dies. The pack chatters for a moment until one of the elders says she is my grandchild but what she did questioning the moon and calling an angel fake and accusing our alpha of lying and challenging a real angel and attacking you while you were speaking to alpha is cowardice so Isay death maybe in her next life she will learn to be a better person and not a slut. As the elder said this I slit the bithes throat and wave my hand and her body disappears. I then flap my wings and fly back onto the stage and take the microphone from Rowan and take control of the situation and say who else wishes to challenge me? The crowd goes silent and then I say I see the rest of you respect your leader I am happy to know you trust in your leader now let's let your alpha finish his speel. Rowan looks at me and says you did not need to kill her and I look at him and say it was not me I let the people decide the same way I do in my misfits. If you did not like how I handled it then you need to communicate and act like an adult I can not read minds you need to use your words. He looks at me understanding now seeing I was treating his pack the same way I treated the misfits. Totally forgetting the microphone is on he says I do not care These are not your misfits these are my pack and you could have turned down the challenge. I will not turn down a challenge and seem weak and from what I know about wolves so far a formal challenge is to be accepted and I neither accepted nor denied the challenge because she was cowardice and tried to attack when I was speaking to the so-called alpha who right now is acting like a child and not using his words. Natalia, I am using my words sometimes I forget you are not a wolf because you almost act just like one. I DO NOT. YES, YOU DO. what is so difficult about this? I don't know Natalia and I know you are trying but here I am in charge this is not the misfits here I am the law and we do not decide things through the crowd we decide by what I say. Well, have you ever heard of democracy? Because this feels like a monarchy to me. That is because this is a monarchy, Natalia. I know you do not like to let control go but here please let some control go view this as home let me take some of the weight off your shoulders. Rowan if I am not in charge people could get hurt people... Hush now Natalia let that go here I am responsible for their lives it falls on me not you so take off a load and relax here why you are here you are my equal neither of us is above. So share the burden with the misfits and I will share the burden of alpha. Sound good. Yes, it does thank you but still, we do need to work on democracy. Ok fine, as we finish our squabble we realize the whole pack heard oh well what is done is done. 

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