Chap 17

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Natalia pov

When i wake im in the arms of rowan holding me tight. I don't want to admit it and seem weak but I love the cuddles. I may pretend to hate them to the eye but on the inside I'm begging for more.I look over to find Rowan still asleep. He looks asleep and I don't know why but I have the thought to trace his jaw line as I'm tracing . I notice his skin is super soft on his face and I want to touch it more so I start tracing the tattoo on his arm. I trace his arm and as i go to trace the tattoo on his stomach my hand is grabbed in his. I look up into his eyes the emotions are filled with love, admiration and lust and I can tell he is trying to hold back. He does not give into himself and instead looks at me and grabs my face and leans down and gives me a kiss. I look at Rowan with eyes looking like a deer Stuck in the headlight.I did not expect him to be this forward in the Morning but I like it. He looks at me and says why don't you go get ready for the day? Why do I cook breakfast while you take a shower and get really ready for the day? Or if you would like, we Can go out to the new diner in town Called " Moons'' How ironic it is in a town. They're very werewolves. That is very ironic my darling. I wonder why that is. So what would you like to break the East ? Your cooking Rowan is amazing. I head to the bathroom to shower while Rowan cooks knowing his cooking is divine but takes a bit of time. I strip and turn the water on and grab a towel and hop in. I wash my hair thinking of how we woke up. I felt so safe in his arms and I can feel hope and happiness toothinking of the other way that could have ended. I freeze when I think of what it would be like for the first time with how I may be getting old but I have never done anything. I want him but not right now in the start of a war we both need to restrain ourselves but hope and Xavier Rowan's wolf are not helping. I continue to wash and when I'm done I wash off and hop out of the shower and dry off. I opened the bedroom food to find the window open. I don't remember opening but maybe Rowan did after I went in the bathroom. I found a box on the bed. I open it and it is an outfit I have not seen before and looks gorgeous with black lingerie. I slipped the black and red dress over my head after I put the lingerie on. I wonder why Rowan picked this out. Did he want to progress our relationship? I head downstairs ready for the day and Rowan turns to me and says cute dress darling where it is from. I look at him confused and say I thought you got this for me. It was in a box on the bed with new undergarments. And did you open the window when i got out of the shower the window was open. Natalia the window was closed when i left the room go get changed and shower again incase something was on them and i will stand guard this time and make sure you are safe and pack us a bag we are not staying here again until the threat is neutralized i will be packing a bag we will be staying with my parents at their house till then and you will be getting a guard assigned to you you will be if or buts about it. I look at him with my puppy eyes hoping to change his mind. He looks at me and says darling you are not changing my mind. I would rather you be mad at me than you be in harm's way. I gave him my best pouty face. I don't know why but today I woke up wanting to be in a playful mood and not worry like I want to be free for a day. Maybe I will go with it for the day and see how it turns out. I do what my gut tells me and I just want a hug. Where did this feeling come from? I shall despise physical contact but this i wanted since we woke up together this morning. Rowan ushers me up the stars and goes to the closet and pulls out 2 duffel bags and starts packing while im kinda frozen in shock that someone snuck in our home i want to feel safe and as soon as i did it was ruined by whoever came and the more this happens the more i believe sebastian is alive and this only strengthens my ides with all the times sebastian would flirt and imply things. Rowan looks at me knowing I have not moved. He walks over to me saying it is ok darling nothing will happen to you while i'm right here would you feel better if I came and sat in the bathroom with you while you shower darling. I nod my head yes and look up at his eyes with tears swelling in mine. I don't want to let them fall but I can't help it. I jump onto him and cling to him like a monkey, arms around neck and legs wrapped around his waist with my head in his neck, tears flowing freely. I notice we start to move I grab him tighter not wanting to let go and notice while i'm in him as he turns on the shower and takes his shirt off and pants and asks if he can set me down on the counter once im on the counter he asks if I want help and I say no strip and he turns to give me privacy and look back towards him and try to latch on again but he says no. I look at him confused and he says i'm also showering I cant clean if you are in my arms how about after when we are at my parents later you can cling like a monkey as long as you need to feel safe for the time being I look at him and nod my head and hop in the shower and rewash my hair and body then hop out and rowan is already out and dried off sitting on the toilet waiting for me to be done. He turns his back to me to give me privacy and after I tell him I'm decent he opens the door and looks around the room to see if everything is the way we left it. He clears the room and I enter and we both head to our sides of the closet. I get in my suit and make sure it is the one with the most spots for all my weapons. 

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