Chap 14

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I advise tissues and a blanket for this chapter

Natalia pov

Cheshire it is so good to see you. It is good to see you. How was the mission? It was good but Aunt Helen was murdered. What do you mean Aunt Helen was murdered? I did my best to protect her. I know but it still happened. She would not want you to be sad. I know it is hard. I know this because of the note she left she knew someone was after her and said nothing. I still should have known I needed to find out who did this and kill them. I know Natalia but now is not the time you need to catch me up on everything and how you are to marry the person behind you if you don't want him I'll take him as mine. NO Cheshire he is mine. MINE. OKOK no need to kill me sis. I hear Rowan then say your sisters! No, but we act like it we age for how alike we are but it could be a possibility with the facts that came to light. I look into his eyes with the tears welling from the death of Aunt Helen. She knew she was in danger and accepted it. I look at Cheshire and she can tell what is going through my mind with one look. I'm about to shut down. I want blood. I want revenge on who did this. They were the only person in my true family who supported my hopes and dreams when I was growing up. They took that from me, they took my AUNT. I need to find out who and end them. They will die. I look at Rowan and say in a calm tone let go of me. I know I'm not rational but they took her away from me and they killed her. I ran from the house. I run as far as I can not looking back knowing if I do it will all fall apart because everyone I love always dies and it is all my fault. I run and run till I get to the beach where the temple is located. I walk with tears streaming down my face and head to the speaker of the temple and say all shall have a moment of silence for the unfortunate death of Helen the founder of the misfits. She was murdered and now the utmost priority is finding out who killed her. Trust no one if Sebastian was a mole there's no knowing if there is another that did this to Helen. I finish over the loudspeaker and head down to the dungeons. I go looking for someone to give me what I want. Blood their blood on my hands and watch the life drain from their eyes in the hope of getting some form of peace. I go over to the cell with the one person I found my filthy bitch of a mother. Yes, I found my real mother a long time ago and she time and time again proves you can trust no one because all anyone does is lie they say they will be there for you they leave. Even though I am guilty of this I told Aunt Helen I would protect her and look where that led she fucking died she died under my protection. I am Natalia death feared by all and this fucking happens under my nose she gets killed and im betrayed by my second in command and when I was little my mother ditched me for the people that were my supposed parents. Look how the tables have turned and how I am now alone again. I alone that is how it will always be I'm not meant to be loved I'm not loveable I'm a monster parents tell their kids about im a monster. Let's see what the world thinks of the monster they created.

Off to god knows where I will get my revenge and I will make whoever killed Helen rue the day that I find them.

Rowan pov

Natalia just took Off to god knows where Knowing Natalia it would be somewhere to get revenge. I think of only one place she would go in this kind of mood. The only place I can think of would be the temple to be with the misfits. I quickly run to the car and take off with my 2 Dobermans in hopes that they will be able to help find her and get her to calm down. I'm driving in the car as fast as I can to the temple and when I arrive there is a trail of blood on the ground leading to the dungeons where I can see Natalia and it looks to be she is beating the shit out of someone who has wronged her. I walk down the stairs with my dog and her head snaps my way looking like a wild animal. She asks me in a sickly sweet voice do you like it? I have become what I was made to be and smile when she looks me in the eyes. The smile shows the amount of insanity the death of her aunt has caused. I walk up to her and speak calmly hoping I can get through to Hope or the real Natalia and not this assassin version of her. I say, Natalia, it is Rowan, look at me what is going on, and what is happening? Please come back to me. I see a hint of recognition but she smiles at me and says my dear I will not be coming home till I get revenge for Helen. Whether it be days or months to years I will find who did this and make them pay. I then go straight to hope knowing I will get nowhere with her in this mood. I look into her eyes and say Hope I know you are mad but you need to think. 

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