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After Rowan and I ate breakfast we got in the car and headed to a huge skyscraper the building was at least 90 floors high. I went inside and regretted saying I would go to see his job. There were too many people rushing around and not my people and Rowan did not allow me to bring any weapon to defend myself saying" it will be fine darling".So here I am surrounded by many people I do not know and am scared and wish I had not agreed to this. Now I follow Rowan through the halls to an elevator and go to the highest floor and did I mention I hate heights....now I just need to not look out any windows when we reach his office it was terrifying all there is is windows ahhhhhhhhh. I grab on rowans arm tightly and hug him hoping for safety. Rowan says "Natalia what is the wrong darling there is nothing to be scared of." There are too many people I don't know and I have no weapon to defend myself and no control of what if they attack us, what if ..Hush my darling Natalia, no one will attack you here. I have all kinds of levels of security and soon you will be getting your security detail. But why can I defend myself? I know darling but they are also hopefully not scared of being in public without a weapon. You are safe here with me or without me. I know you are strong but know this. I know this was an arranged marriage but I too have a secret. I am a werewolf Alpha of the Lunar Eclipse pack, the strongest of all packs. You will soon become one of us. Also, I need to start to prepare you for the Luna ceremony. NO, I can not do that we only just met and werewolves are just fairy tales this is a dream, not really no no no no I got to wake up, and what about your mate are those real too Rowan. Yes it is true to my dear Natalia and you are my mate and I hate your parents just as much as you. The arranged marriage was my idea to get you out of their clutches and give you a better life and as soon as you are happy and say you want them dead they will be dead. ok, darling. I could not say anything I was seeing black spots in my vision and felt dizzy and the last thing I saw was Rowan's worried face as I felt myself being laid on a soft sofa and his voice calling for someone named Natalia.

Rowan pov

Oh shit, I did not expect his outcome she fainted. What am I supposed to do? I quickly catch her as she falls and lay her down on the sofa in my office. Once she is safely on the sofa I call the doctor Izzy my sister. I wait for Izzy to arrive. Now, what am I going to do I haven't even told her about the curse. It has been 4 minutes where the hell is Izzy. I can not get mad because that will only hurt her more and wy wolf is clawing at my mind wanting to protect but he cant that will only cause trouble. As ki finish, this thought Izzy walks in and takes one look and says she is overwhelmed even though she thinks she is human she is the goddess of death her transformation will take place on the death moon when the stars and worlds align the curse will affect her and you but her transformation will break the curse. Do you know the extent of the curse? I do if we are not mated by the 7th full moon all supernaturals lose their human form I will have no control and she will die from devastation. Well, tell me if you have any more trouble and take her home if she wakes up here it will be nerve-racking, and tell her about the curse. After Izzy leaves, I call Alex

A: Hey what's up?

R: nothing much my mate just passed out from shock and I need you to pull the car out front and get me a clear path to the car no cameras no people in case she wakes up.

A: I will get it done when do I get to meet sleeping beauty?

R: you can meet her at the bonfire on Sunday.

A: but that is so far away.

R your going to have forever to meet her im going to marry her.

A: ok ok I will get this done and meet her later bye

R: thank you bye

End of call

I pack all my stuff up and pick Natalia up in my arms and walk to the car and just like I asked it is a ghost town to the car. I open the passenger back seat door and realize Alex is still ner so I say Alex can you please drive us home so I can sit with her. I sit in the seat and hold her. Alex starts a conversation

A: With this is the mysterious luna.

: Yes it is but don't get your hopes up she is not defenseless.

A: I would have never guessed.

R: She is who we have been trying to find to help us all along with THE QUEEN OF MISFITS.

A: WHAT, now that that is a plot twist.

R: yeah and she runs a huge operation and is ruthless.

A: how so.

R: She killed her recruit because he was a mole but did not do anything yet.

A: good whelp she is not weak and off-topic where do you want me to park im almost at your house.

R: park by the door so I can take her in. oh shit she is waking up.

A: ok

End conversation

I turn and look at Natalia just to see her eyes open and she goes to curl back up in a ball so I keep my arms around her and get out of the car with her and head to the couch where Alex is.

Thank you for reading :)

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