chap 15

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Natalia POV

I hear Rowan Calling my name saying I need to think instead of just going after the people who have Killed Helen. I don't know Why but the want for revenge was high and I don't think I have ever been this want to Slit Someone's throat that not only hurt me but hurt my family too. I look at Rowan again. He looks Calm but looking at his eyes Shows how desperate he is for me to come back to him. He is the New Calling for Hope. He thinks She will Show Me A different way and be able to think but in truth, Hope is Just as mad as I am and the thirst for blood will not be stopped hope agrees just as much but knows we must try for a mate but that will not happen at the moment and we look at Rowan and say we understand but we have our people tracking as we speak as soon as the person is found they will be no more. Rowan looks sad and worried yet calm and I see Rowan losing to his wolf in a silent battle of mind. Rowan looks into my eyes but it is not Rowan it is his wolf. He speaks and his voice is deeper than Rowan's with a growl mixed in like he is trying to restrain his anger. Natalia my dear I understand you are mad and wish to save us from seeing this side but we will stand by you no matter what and so I say you need to think understand and process this event. Come home it will be a bit before your people find them come with me and we can plan and make the most painful idea for someone to pass. I look at him and speak understanding and starting to think more and wanting to cry but I'm Natalia Death nothing will stop me including my mate. I look at him and say you may tag along but I'm not going home until this bastard is dead and 6 feet under my feet with fire all around him in the pits of hell.

I walk out of the dungeons Rowan trailing me hoping to understand my rage and reasoning. My reasoning is my life has been turned upside down and I have held it for so long finding out why I was an unwanted child and also my family passing there will be no rest till I'm dead or they are is time for the world to see the true colors of Natalia Death the Queen of Misfits and Princess of the Fallen Angels.

I get to the car and look at Rowan getting in the passenger side door and buckling up and I don't care. I Turn in my phone and call Cheshire, my only true friend, and person I can trust. I turn on the car and speed off while waiting for Cheshire to answer the phone. Once she answers I start with what we have told Alexander to start the search for the rest of the fallen call me when you have updates. I turn to Rowan and give him a look of appeasement showing that I'm happy he is here with me but that I am glad he is working with me instead of trying to stop me. I feel hope feeling the same but with great power comes great rage and the undying rage is inedible. I can feel the locations of the last of the fallen. We each control an element and mine as queen control all but I control life itself not just the elements. My fallen each controls an element. I pull the car over and walk out the door and walk towards the cliff with many pillars i take the rage and have it fuel my power making a white blast of power sending it through the world summoning all the fallen the fallen amy of elements of death and when they feel my call they will know i have arose to my throne. As the lights disperse I feel the ground shake beneath my feet knowing it will hurt my mate i grab his hand and see the many cars and vans pull up of the news i usually would not allow this but it is time the world sees what they believe in an why we should not be played with and let my enemies know who is coming for them in the meantime let them simmer and give me a play on words of time is not a time when I'm involved i have their lives in the palms of my hands.

I look at the people yelling and see I'm in the air Rowan on the ground and I'm in my blood-red and black dress ready for battle and to make people pay because I know the death of Helen was just a warning and I know they will go after who I am close with just to see me in pain and make me weak. I Natalia Death Queen of the fallen will not break but let it build me stronger until my last breath. I waltz over to the cars feeling high on all the power running through my veins. I grab a Rowan and unfurl my wings and take off to the house.

The feel of the wind in my face and the wind in my feathers is exhilarating. I fly towards my homeland in the front yard and see Cheshire giving me a look along the lines of What the hell did you do? I walk over to her and say it has started preparing them and remember we are misfits and we will rise and have victory over the nuisances that have hurt our family and when they see we are not going to weaken we will thrive and prepare for a move of the base and train everyone remembers no one will disobey me now i will not think twice now any more being nice. Natalia don't you think this is a little much it was one hit. 

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