Chap 11

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Rowan pov

I watch as natalia runs out of our home and knowing she is mad she is going to her people where she feels the safest. I quickly run to my car and drive as fast as I can knowing shit will go down and if she is mad and emotional she is most likely to go on a rampage. Knowing that I'm 5 minutes behind her in my car is bad especially when she is pedaling to the medal I bet. I know I will arrive 7-8 minutes after her even with me going as fast as my car will go, I'm edging 230mph. I'm thinking of this fucked up week we have created and most of it is all my fault im realizing. As I drive and think I'm about to pull in when I see no guards and a trail of blood in the parking lot along with Natalia's car. Along the way I hear Natalia's voice coming from inside sounding livid. I walk inside to see her opening a door letting her people out of the dungeons but the only person I do not see is sebastian.

Natalia pov

I let my people out and got rid of their fear telling them that I killed sebastian. I let them out and hear fast approaching steps if a very particular person Rowan. He runs towards me, eyes shooting towards the bullet wound on my shoulder. Rowan says are you ok? I think and start feeling faint and try to make a sentence but end up saying all i feel in that moment as he approaches as soon as he is near i latch onto him tears streaming down my face due to the events of the day and the betrayal of whom i thought was my friend and for the pain in my shoulder worsening i'm no longer saying coherent words making no sense. I look in his eyes seeing the pain and the pressure of the day and the release of the adrenaline letting me go. I see Rowan looking down at me in his arms with love, worry, sadness, with a hint of anger mixed with protectiveness in his eyes. The pain worsens. I start to drift into a dreamless sleep but it is hard with Rowan suddenly taking off running.

Rowan pov

I approached the group around Natalia to Hear her speaking saying Seabastia who has hurt us and betrayed us was sentenced to death. I killed him for his treason on our family. I continue to walk forward and see her face losing color and the blood spewing from her shoulder where the bullet wound is. I start to Run to her and as soon as I am close enough to her she jumps and latches onto me, tears streaming down her face with wimpers coming from her along with some incoherent words. I adjust her and see her starting to lose consciousness probably from loss of blood and pain. I quickly turn to her people and say is anyone a medic here? No one answers so I take off with her in my arms and run towards the parking lot and put her in her car knowing it is faster she can kill me later for driving her favorite car and getting blood on the seats. I then say Siri calls Alex.

The phone call

A: hello

R: Alex got a medic to my house and called mom and dad to help me clean up this mess.

A: Will do but what happened who is this for?

R: Natalia is bleeding out from a bullet wound from her second in command who tried to take over but she got him first.

A: Holy shit

R: yeah now i'm almost at the house in Natalia's car, are you there yet?

A: I'm there along with your mom, dad, and the medic.

R :ok

End call

I honk my horn as I pull in letting them know to clear a path for the medic. I grab her from the back seat and run where the medic says we lay her on a towel on my dining room table. I let the medic take charge and start working and I was told to wait in the living room after I go clean myself up. I do as I'm told ,knowing that if I listen and do as the medic says everything will go smoother. I head upstairs and call Della

The call

D: hello isn't this a surprise.

R: come to my house immediately your sister is hurt and in surgery on my kitchen table .


R: No I did not, Sebastian shot her and in turn she killed sebastian.

D: Let me guess you saved her?

R :Yes, I did save her.

D: At least she is safe now. Thank you for saving her. I will be on my way.

Call end

I then set my phone down and head off to shower so I'm clean to be near my mate.

As soon as i am done i head downstairs and della is just pulling in which is weird i guess she was cruisin here how do they have faster cars than me. I meet her at the front and head to the living room where we are told to wait by the 4 other medics that have shown up, making my nerves sky rocket. I stand and ask everyone if tey need any drinks to try and keep my mind busy and be a decent host and the worry in their eyes makes it all so much worse so I go to my office, grab my work and go to the living room and work to keep my mind busy. About 4 hours later the medic comes out covered in the blood of my love. The medic secures her posture and says she is ok just lost a lot of blood, she will recover.


Rowan car 

Natalias car 

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Natalias car 

Natalias car 

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Dellas car 

Dellas car 

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