chap 20

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Natalia pov

I'm not happy and I have the need to feel blood. I get up from the table and head for the bedroom. I quickly change, not knowing how much longer I can hold back the need for some sort of violence whether it just be a practice fight, anything I need an outlet. WHile i'm changing I hear a knock on the door and say wait a moment please. Whoever is on the other side doesn't know how to listen. They open the door while I'm still getting on my work clothes. I get ready to stab who walks through the door but in walks rowan looking worried. Natalia there is no reason for you to go back to work right now. Right now what you need to do is rest after the day so far if anything why don't we go to the practice grounds and me and you can spar. I look at Rowan with my soul showing through with hope, agreeing with Rowan was not helping. I end up agreeing and head to the practice grounds when a man comes up to me and says why are you here? I reply coldly, still needing an outlet for my anger and frustration. I look him straight in the eyes and say to spar. He has the audacity to laugh at me and call me weak. I look at him and say I dare you to call me weak again. He looks right in my eyes and says such a weak little human. I grab him by his collar and pull him down to my height and whisper in his ear in a calm voice. Well good thing I'm not human. I then release his neck and slap him across the face.

A few moments later I find myself in the middle of a battle not a spar. I dodge the fist he throws why nailing him in his right side why looking for signs of weakness and i see he favors his right knee so i aim for the right leg and kick the knee and hear a loud sharp and as this happens i hear a loud growl across the field STOP NATALIA ,LUKE ENOUGH i see Luke i guess his name is fall to the ground and i'm still wanting an actual workout i look to see rowan standing there looking pissed and i look back at him with the same feeling of adrenaline and killing calm running through my veins. He sees this and says Natalia i need you to calm down I look him in his eyes and say I am calm in a voice that freaks me out not knowing I could sound that way. Rowan facepalms and says Natalia you are not calm you are riding the killing edge you need to calm then i see an idea float through his eyes and i can tell it is one i will gladly agree to. He says would you like to spar? I quickly nod knowing this spar will be amazing. All of a sudden everyone stops what they are doing to watch us spar and I do not care. All I know is that the killing edge is calling me. We take our positions when the match is called and i fake left and go right he goes left not knowing it was a trick i use this to my advantage and slide under him and land a punch to his groin and i do a flip and land with my back facing him and i can sense the movement through the air he is about to hit my side when i block and grab his arm we continue the deadly dance for a good 30 minutes till i start to get bored of it. I take my leg and swipe his leg out from under. He grabs me for support and we both go tumbling down. We keep rolling down a hill with his parents' house at the bottom. We reach the bottom and are still rolling and trying to get the upper hand on one another. I end up landing a punch and he lands one right on my wrist causing my wrist to shoot with pain sending me over the edge he feels the shift in me and i'm no longer after a nice spar im after blood ignoring the feeling of pain in my wrist i go faster and faster till he gets the upper hand and im under him. He looks in my eyes trying to reason with me but all I see and hear are the screams and all I see is red. I end up pinned and he doesn't let go. He is trying to reason with me and I'm lost to the killing calm and I hear a feminine voice in my head I don't know the last to know. I notice rowan calling to the voice telling hope to take control and calm me off the killing calm trying to gain some sort of response suddenly i'm in a room in my mind where it looks like im looking at my life from a different view when suddenly everything goes black and i'm in the room when a lady with black hair and wings enters she looks almost exactly like me she looks at me and says Natalia remember you are safe and we are not here to hurt you. She comes closer and I'm engulfed in a hug when all the sudden I see all white and I'm in a meadow with a lady I do not know. She looks at me and says natalia it has been forever since i saw you. I look at her confused. She just walks up to me and gives me a hug and just holds me close. I can feel my body relaxing as she holds me. Something about her feels so familiar but I don't know why. WHen i'm finally calm she lets go and says I'm your mother. I look at her appalled by the revelation and decide to listen. I look at her and ask why did you leave me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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