Chapter 10

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Elijah and Cami both wanted updates.

"So, how was it?" asked Cami at breakfast.

"It was fun," she said pleasantly. "Thank you for letting me go."

Elijah simply nodded, and she knew that he was still frustrated with having been outnumbered when it came to giving her permission. Still, it brought him joy seeing the elated look on her face. And, after all, nothing had gone wrong.

"There are minimal updates from New Orleans," said Elijah. "Marcel and his vampires are safe, Rebekah is choosing to remain in her witch body, Finn is nowhere to be found, and for that matter, neither is Mikael. The wedding will still be taking place at the end of this week."

"Wait," said Graciela, "don't I need to be present to receive the blessing of being able to turn at will?"

"I believe so," said Elijah. "As you are not a born member of the Crescent Pack. The wedding will take place in the afternoon. I will purchase a plane ticket for you, and you will fly to New Orleans that morning, attend the wedding, and remain there with the other wolves for a few days, in case any important information arises that must be disclosed. Then, if you so wish, you may return here. Provided the need to be hidden remains."

"And if it doesn't, you'll all come home?"

"That is the hope," said Elijah. Hope looked up from her high chair, hearing her name, and squealed happily when her uncle smiled at her.

Graciela's phone began to ring. "It's Klaus," she said, surprised. "I'll be back." She walked into the next room to answer, though she knew Elijah would be able to hear. "Hi."

"Well?" he inquired. "What of last night?"

"Are you really calling for gossip about my unofficial date with Stefan?"

"Certainly. How much did you tell him? How did he react?"

"Oh. So you don't actually care about how it went, you just want to know if I spilled the beans about anything important. The only relevant thing, I think, is when I mentioned my family and he happened to know about the Guerreras and what went down several months ago. Some werewolf friend of his was in New Orleans and kept up with news from the city, so he told him."

"Ah... Tyler Lockwood. If you ever see that idiot, I suggest you steer clear of him. He attempted to kill Hayley and the baby in retaliation for something I did."

"And... what did you do?"

"Killed his mother."

Graciela scoffed. "Why am I even surprised? Your family's history with this friend group is more appalling by the second. So, you killed Lockwood wolf's mom, the doppelgänger's aunt, and who else, exactly?"

"All the murders blur together after awhile, little runt, I can't recall exactly."

She sighed. "Well, I don't think you need to worry about Stefan plotting against you or anything. He seems... fine. He's separated himself from his old life. And I think, after everything I've heard, he needs that. So... don't worry. I don't think he'll prove to be a threat. He doesn't know any details about our situation and he isn't prying. He's trying to remove himself from supernatural stuff. I really don't think he cares to know anything about our situation."

"Good. Stefan Salvatore has gotten in my way far too many times, and I'd rather it didn't happen again. Very well, then. How will you be arriving for the wedding?"

"Elijah mentioned getting me a plane ticket so I can fly to New Orleans that morning. I'd be staying a few days and then coming back if we all still need to be in the safe house."

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