Chapter 19

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June 23, 2013

Half a year later, things weren't better.

Graciela's life felt more normal now than it had in the past. But it didn't mean she was fully satisfied with the way things were going.

There was peace. Some peace. The witches caused no problems now that Davina was Regent. The vampires still followed Marcel, who'd opened a fight gym in St. Anne's Church. Elijah went there often to let his anger out. Graciela started to accompany him once Marcel informed her that she was doing well enough in sparring to begin challenging stronger opponents using staffs.

She kept up with her studies, which was easier once she acquired her driver's license and purchased a car that carried her to and from school at whatever hours were most convenient for her. She finished her first full year taking chemistry and music courses, and decided to declare a double major in Biological Chemistry and Music. Of course, even if she'd been a sophomore taking those courses, she would have another three years left before she could graduate, given the first year was wasted taking business classes she hadn't enjoyed. She didn't mind. It would give her more time to decide what she actually wanted to do with her degrees once she completed the requirements to receive them.

In her free time, she practiced her cello, and often played piano and violin for Elijah's enjoyment. Gia's violin remained at her bedside every night. On her twentieth birthday, Elijah bought her a violin stand to display it properly whenever she wasn't using it.

It was just them, for a long while. Marcel kept up frequently, but never came by to eat with them. Graciela visited the Compound and spent time with Hope under Klaus's supervision, but she didn't speak to him much, which he seemed to prefer. Freya sometimes kept her company, the two getting along nicely. Graciela suspected that Freya was rather sad, given Rebekah was traveling once her witch body was repaired. But Rebekah insisted upon it, wishing to find a way to resurrect Kol.

Every full moon, Graciela went with Elijah to visit Hayley, bringing Hope with them to allow her some time with her mother, and with Jackson. On the days that Graciela visited the Bayou outside a full moon, she'd sit with Lauren and Henry in their tent. Being the only other untriggered wolf, Lauren was free of the curse, though she made it clear that if anything were to happen to her, she would trust Graciela to take care of Henry until Lisina was able to raise him. It made Graciela nervous to accept. She simply hoped nothing would happen to Lauren before the curse on the Crescents was broken.

Stefan had yet to visit, but he called her every day to give updates about what was happening on his end. With Kai in a coma, they'd taken advantage of researching about the 1903 prison world, to determine how they were going to acquire the Ascendant to rescue Lily Salvatore from it. But it seemed all the information surrounding it was hidden.

Though Stefan was unhappy with how dragged out the process was becoming, Damon seemed to be enjoying his time with Elena. About a month after Dahlia had been defeated, Stefan had called her in the evening to let her know the bad news that Tyler had awoken Kai on Liv and Luke's birthday, to save them from having to Merge. In a tragic turn of events nobody expected, Luke had Merged with Kai and lost, which meant Kai was now the Gemini Coven's leader.

Damon apparently saw this as a good thing, and told Stefan they could simply ask Kai for the Ascendant. Stefan refused, as he didn't wish to give Kai any ideas that might lead to the world being collapsed or explored by anyone other than them.

Kai had returned not long after the Merge, claiming he was much nicer, and wished to make amends. Damon had asked him to get them the Ascendant for the 1903 prison world, against Stefan's wishes. All Kai had asked in return was that Damon help him deliver apology letters to Bonnie, Jo, and Liv. Whether Damon did it or not, Stefan didn't seem to know, but he was sure that all three women were adamant about not wanting to see Kai. In fact, Liv had even tried to kill him. Her unsuccessful attempt had apparently led to her breakup with Tyler.

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