Chapter 18

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Nobody could find Klaus.

"Until he is found, Marcel and I will scour the city," said Elijah to Rebekah and Graciela while they waited for Freya to arrive. "His vampires are on high alert."

"Assuming Nik doesn't slaughter them," said Rebekah. "You know as well as I do he'll be on the warpath. Which again raises the question— how in the hell is he even awake?"

They moved into the courtyard, and saw Freya had arrived, having set up three of Klaus's paintings, infused with Norwegian soil and Mikael's ashes.

"It was Dahlia," said Freya certainly. "This was all part of her plan. No doubt, she killed Aiden, hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus, the family would divide, and she could win Klaus to her cause."

Rebekah scoffed. "That is absurd! Nik would never align with Dahlia."

Freya crossed her arms. "You continue to defend him."

"He'd kill anyone who'd try to take his daughter."

"Isn't it Hayley who's trying to take his daughter?"

"Their daughter," said Elijah gruffly. "Let's not forget that Dahlia is the true enemy here!"

Freya smiled fakely, something that made Graciela feel very uncomfortable. "How good, then, that I finished my spell." She gestured to the paintings. "The paint of his artwork, combined with my blood, will render Dahlia vulnerable. The moment she passes between these paintings, she will be mortal." She held up a small blade. "You can kill her... using this."

Elijah raised his brows. "Father's knife?"

She assented. "I thought it appropriate."

Elijah was about to respond, but seemed to sense something. "We have a visitor," he said, before vamp-speeding away. Graciela moved to a spot where she could see into the entrance hall, and found Gia was waiting for him.

"So," she said to the two witches, giving Elijah his privacy, "what will my task be now?"

"Keeping Rebekah company," said Freya. "Nothing can disturb the spell. You will be in charge of making sure she has a safe and calm place to concentrate. If anyone arrives, if anything falls out of place, you fix it."

"Got it," said Graciela, figuring that would be easy enough. "Klaus will be tracking Hayley down, so unless Dahlia comes with kenned people, there won't be anything to worry about."

Elijah returned to their side. Rebekah nodded to him, and led them upstairs to where she was ready to perform her spell. She handed Freya a clay golem, and the witch began to sprinkle herbs over it.

"Now, you're certain this will work?" asked Elijah.

"Let's not toss around words like 'certain,'" replied Rebekah.

"Nonsense," said Freya proudly. "You grow more adept with magic each day, and this spell is flawless. Though, I might have preferred Elijah ask my permission before volunteering me as the bait."

Elijah smirked. "Yes, I'm not in the habit of asking permission."

"No matter," said Freya. "We have all that we need. Rebekah will perform the spell, using my heartbeat and the golem to craft the illusion of Hope's presence. Graciela will protect her. Once Dahlia is lured into the killing ground, you will do what is necessary."

"You're rather calm," noted Rebekah. "Which is odd, because there are a million ways this plan can fall to pieces."

Freya sighed. "I admit... First, I was upset when Elijah ignored my plan in favor of his own. You are all so determined to protect Hope at all cost. Perhaps I'm envious— no one ever fought so hard to protect me." She glanced at her brother. "Then, I recalled what I saw when I looked inside your mind. The day you all swore an oath to stand by one another— always and forever. There's strength in such vows."

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