Chapter 35

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Saturdays were usually great.

But not this particular Saturday. Despite how grateful Graciela was that she didn't have schoolwork to do, simply knowing about Lucien and Aurora being out there probably plotting their doom was enough to make it a terrible day.

They'd been up all night researching and trying to find a potential weakness to exploit. Freya was working nonstop on spells, with Klaus barking orders in her ears.

"I am so glad I don't actually need sleep anymore," said Graciela as she and Stefan went to get some coffee in the kitchen. "Otherwise I'd already be hallucinating."

"We're going to find something, it's only a matter of time," said Stefan, rubbing his eyes. "We're bound to."

"Lucien and Aurora could have already begun enacting their plan for global domination. Aurora might already be a creature like him. If she is, then we have to find a way to kill two insanely powerful birds with one equally lethal stone."

He put his arm around her. "Hey. Breathe. Don't stress yourself out too much. We're doing what we can, and we will find a way to counteract it."

They heard footsteps in the hall behind them. They peeked out and saw Klaus heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Graciela in disbelief. "Lucien is out there!"

"I am going to actually do something," said Klaus, frustrated. He didn't let her pester him with any more questions.

"He better not be going to confront him," said Graciela with a scowl. "He's just going to get himself killed!"

After getting their coffee, they went into the courtyard to try and take a mental break, even just for a few minutes before it came time to focus on work again. They were just getting ready to return upstairs when Cami ran in.

"Help!" she yelled, hoping someone would hear her. Hayley came running once Graciela and Stefan moved toward her.

"What's wrong?" asked the older hybrid.

"It's Klaus," said Cami frantically. "Lucien has him."

"FREYA!" yelled Hayley as she came down with Elijah. "Invite her in!"

"Yeah, come in," said Freya, waving her hand. "You're invited."

Cami rushed in. Elijah checked that no one had followed her before leading them all into the courtyard. "Tell us what happened."

"Lucien ambushed him," explained Cami. "He knocked him around like it was nothing."

Hayley pursed her lips. "Did he bite him?"

The blonde shook her head. "No. I think he wanted him alive. I followed them. Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse."

Elijah's phone buzzed. He scowled when he saw the message. "Lucien is demanding my presence at the Whiskey Cask— alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die."

"Give me five minutes," said Freya hastily. "I may have an idea." She ran upstairs.

"You're going to go?" asked Graciela, left alone with Elijah as Hayley took Cami to get something to eat and drink. Stefan gave them privacy to talk.

"I must," he said. "I will not abandon my brother."

"Lucien hates you, he will bite you as soon as he can and then we'll lose you too!"

"Finn sacrificed himself for me, Graciela. Because I have a daughter. However, you are grown up. You no longer need me. Hope needs her father, and if I must die to save him—"

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