Chapter 15

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Marcel left soon after.

They had their burgers, and he darted out quickly to check on Rebekah. Graciela was left to wonder if he knew something she didn't, when it came to Stefan. Or if maybe she wasn't as concerned as she should be about being in a relationship with a Ripper.

She didn't want to fear him. She didn't want to worry. But then again, they'd hardly interacted in person. Right now, she was as safe as could be. Would that last, once they began to see each other constantly?

She tried to push the negative thoughts out of her mind. She finished the rest of her homework, and practiced cello for a bit before texting Stefan, asking if he could call. He dialed her number instantly, and she answered.

"Hi," she said. "How was Portland?"

"Eventful," he said. "We found the Gemini Coven... the leader hurt Damon for a bit and nearly killed his daughter, who happens to be the doctor Alaric is dating. She's also the sister of the Parker twins I mentioned. Small world. Jo has the Ascendant, which is what we were looking for, so... the trip was basically for nothing. I'm not too happy right now, if I'm being honest."

She frowned. "What happened?"

"Damon compelled Alaric to steal the Ascendant from Jo. It frustrates me, that he could do that to his own friend. I am thankful my brother is back, really I am, but I forgot how much it irritates me when he takes matters into his own hands like this. I want to find a way to warn Jo, but... I fear Damon won't take it well when he finds out. I know it's what we have to do to save Bonnie, but it puts Jo in danger. Kai is her twin. If he gets out when we go in, he's heading straight for her."

"Well, theoretically you should be able to enter the prison world from anywhere in the world, right? You mentioned that Damon said it was created in Portland. To exit, you need the eclipse, so you will need to be in Mystic Falls to get Bonnie, but what if you go in from another city? Damon and... I don't know, maybe one of the Parker twins... can go in and do a Locator Spell. If Kai's dot is anywhere on the map, they'll know he's still there. They could plan an attack. I mean, a vampire and a witch against Kai... and Bonnie can probably do her own bit to get away from him... it should work, right? No way can Kai overpower them. Just long enough to get in or out. They can kill him, dump him down the falls, make him have to hike up, and in that time, you exit with Bonnie, no harm done."

"Maybe. Kai did kill his family, and even if he doesn't have his own magic... he could be a threat. I'm not sure any of the Parker twins would be okay with going in. But I could pitch the idea."

"I could try to warn Jo. Send her a message to hide the Ascendant, or something. If anyone finds out... you can say you told me in passing and I chose to tell her. I'll take the fall."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"Stefan, it's wrong of Damon to compel Alaric to steal it from her. I don't care if it makes everyone hate me, if you think we should tell her and I can help with that... then I will."

"No, no... I'll come clean to her, I swear. It's kind of you to offer, but you don't have to do that. I don't want you to be in danger."

She sighed, "I'm already in danger, every second I'm alive. I can help you, so they don't get mad at you."

"I don't want them to get mad at you, either. The right thing would be for me to tell Alaric and Jo."

"As long as you are sure about it."

"I am, I promise. How are you?"

"Good. Marcel treated me to burgers and fries to check in on me. If I ever decide to sexile myself again, I can stay at his place instead of going all the way to the Compound. I did enjoy it, though."

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