Chapter 20

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Graciela had never been to a bachelorette party.

She'd heard about how crazy they could get from her siblings. Francesca had been the maid of honor for her best friend's wedding, and told Graciela about how the party had consisted of strippers (male and female) as well as pole dancers that performed for the bride-to-be.

Thankfully, it seemed Elena had hired only one stripper, and he wouldn't be joining them at the party because there wouldn't really be a party, more like a gathering. Caroline had been insistent about throwing one, but Elena reminded her that Jo was pregnant, and they opted to reserve a diner all for themselves after a brief bit of dancing with the stripper.

Graciela really liked Jo. She and Stefan had lunch with the soon-to-be-married couple, who'd been excited to learn more about her. Jo was friendly, and Alaric reminded her of Elijah. Both had asked her many questions about her past, her career, and what her plans for the future were. Not all the questions had perfect answers, considering there was a lot she hadn't thought about yet. But looking back on the conversation, she figured it was more of an evaluation of her personality than one about how good of a girlfriend she would be to Stefan.

The one she hadn't yet met was Lily. The woman had been avoiding the Boarding House ever since Stefan informed her that Graciela was staying there. Stefan had a bad feeling that Enzo had said some unkind things about her. Damon reckoned that Lily just had no interest in meeting her because she didn't 'give a crap' about her sons. She imagined that Lily would make an appearance soon. Graciela wanted to, at the very least, be respectful and greet her properly. After all, without Lily, there would be no Stefan.

The day of the bachelorette party, she went with the three girls to meet the stripper (who was dressed as a police officer) at the main entrance of the school. They led him to the hospital, where Jo was standing out in the hall, checking a patient chart. The girls waited around the corner while the stripper approached her.

"Dr. Laughlin?" he asked as he stood in front of her.

"Yes?" she asked, confused.

"I'm Officer Baker," he said. "Is there somewhere private we can speak?"

"Sure." Jo led him into an empty hospital room, and the four girls moved closer, ready with confetti in their hands. "What's this about?"

"I'm here regarding Professor Saltzman. I understand you two are engaged to be married?"

Jo was obviously starting to panic. "Is something wrong?"

"Nope," said the man. "Everything is just right."

There was the sound of fabric tearing, and Jo shrieked. "Woah, woah woah!"

Music started to play from his fake baton, emitting lights that matched the beat of 'Ladies Night.'

"SURPRISE!" the girls yelled, bursting into the room and letting the confetti explode everywhere.

"Oh my god!" said Jo, covering her mouth as the stripper ended up in only a pair of red underwear. "No, I don't think so!" She started to laugh when Bonnie placed a 'Bachelorette' tiara on her head, and Graciela placed Mardi Gras beads around her neck. "No, no, no, this can't be happening!"

"Happy bachelorette!" cried Caroline, pulling over a chair and making her sit so that the stripper could give her a lap dance.

"Happy bachelorette," said Elena, sprinkling the confetti over the stripper and Jo.

Graciela found she had fun, even with the nurses that occasionally passed by, staring at them in confusion. She danced beside Bonnie, who she felt most comfortable with. When the stripper's time was up, he bade them farewell, and Caroline drove them to the diner, where the waitresses were waiting to take their order.

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