Chapter 29

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Graciela's mouth dropped open.

"Stefan," she said in surprise. "Come in. I-I thought you weren't going to come. Today was my last day of break, I just have the weekend and then I have to go back to school—"

He silenced her with a hug, the bouquet nearly getting crushed between them. "I couldn't wait any longer to see you," said Stefan. "We haven't spoken and I know you wanted time to cool down before we talked, but I couldn't wait. I've missed you."

She wiggled away from him, accepting the flowers when he held them out. "Thank you," she said gently, going to set them into a vase with water. "Um... do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"No, I ate on the plane. I want to talk."

"I-I'm not sure if I can manage to stay serious at the moment. I'm not very stable right now and the last thing I want to do is burst into tears right away."

He frowned. "What happened?"

She chose not to elaborate. "Doesn't matter. I... I just... I am not mentally ready for a conversation right now. But um... let me get you some blankets and pillows, and we can talk in the morning. Does Elijah know—?"

"He gave me the address. He's spending the night at the Compound to give us time to chat."

Graciela's hand dropped as she reached for the refrigerator handle. "Okay," she murmured. "I guess we should talk. Better than going to sleep annoyed with each other or frustrated, or—"

"I'm not frustrated, Graciela, I just feel like we need to have a nice, long conversation to get everything out in the open. Look, we killed Julian yesterday. Mystic Falls is safe. My mom and her Heretics are under control, Caroline told us all that she's pregnant, so from now until her due date in March, it's smooth sailing, so I can stay here as long as I need to."

They transitioned to the couches, sitting across from each other. "How do you want to do this?" asked Graciela numbly. "I talk first, or you?"

"I can start," said Stefan. "Graciela, I am sorry, I really am. I should have at least implied that something major was going on so you wouldn't think I was ignoring you all those hours I couldn't talk to you. I should have told you about Valerie living with us. I never ever meant to make you think I was cheating. Because I'm not. I don't love Valerie, she is just my friend who needed my support and needed to be honest with me. I should have tried being more honest with you while keeping her secret simultaneously. I should have been more attentive and considerate of your feelings.

"However," he continued, "The only thing I won't apologize for is having kept her secret. I hate that Caroline assumed I told you when she knew, because Valerie told her, that it wasn't something she wanted to tell many people just yet. And yeah, I have no idea when I would have told you, but I... I was honoring what was asked of me, same way I'd keep a secret for you or anyone else. It was something very personal to me. And I just hope you understand that, somehow. Your parents lost a kid before you, I'm sure you saw how it affected them. I felt that way, knowing what I could have had. I kept having nightmares about it. I just wasn't ready for you to know and Valerie wasn't ready for people to know, either. I wanted to talk to you about it, I did, but I wasn't going to disrespect Valerie. Again... I don't love her, but I respect her secrets just like I respect anyone else's."

"I understand," said Graciela softly. "Somewhat, at least. I don't know what that loss is like aside from being the child that came after such a loss. But... I respect that you kept her secret."

He nodded. "Your turn to talk."

"It just hurt, knowing you were spending time with Valerie and not with me," she murmured. "Long distance is hard enough without worrying that someone might make a move on you. I just don't trust Valerie, I don't know her, and I kept feeling like she would want to make a move and once I found out about the connection you had... I figured you might let her. She's everything I'm not. Just knowing you hid anything makes me wonder what else I don't know, and I hate being paranoid and suspicious but that's how it feels... And it worries me because you were so hell-bent on killing Julian, you could have died in the process and I never would have known why you hated him so much. You're my first boyfriend and I guess I'm not secure enough to feel at ease when you're so many miles away with beautiful and charismatic girls who you had... something with. Elena, Valerie, even Caroline. I am not as bothered by Elena and Caroline but with Valerie it just became a bit much. You're hot, Stefan, many people want you, and I worry you'll find someone better and prefer them to me. I haven't even pleased you in any way—"

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