Final Author's Note

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That concludes Warrior.

This was a very fun story to write, and because of it I actually ended up getting so many more ideas for future stories... which is kind of a bit 'yikes' because just when I think I'm going to retire from writing, there's a new idea that creeps up and is like 'hello! You must write me!' I was thinking I'd be done with fanfics by January 2023 but I'll probably be sticking around longer than that. The TVDU hit me like a truck and now I am milking tf out of it and making so many OCs that I have to write stories for. It's a good thing for you guys, who seem to like it! My professors probably wish I was more focused on schoolwork though.

As for an 'Epilogue' bit to this story, you can rest assured Klamille got their happy ending. The Heretics were fine and happy as well. Lily didn't die, so there will be a chance for Stefan and Damon to really rekindle their relationship with her in a healthy way now that Julian is out of the picture. Caroline got to be a mom, I put Bonnie x Matt together because I always felt they were very good for each other. Stefan and Graciela will eventually get to have a 'normal' life and just do whatever they want to be happy. There was no Rayna Cruz to worry about, no vault, no Hollow. They lived!! After my last story, I felt I needed to make Graciela have a happier ending.

Thank you to all who read and supported. I absolutely love reading all your comments and reactions to the things Graciela does. I hope I can continue interacting with all of you lovely readers :)

If you'd like to read my next fic (Elena Gilbert x OC), look for 'Redamancy' in my profile!

Be on the lookout for announcements about future stories from me. The next five coming up will be for Finn Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, and Marcel Gerard. I am also considering Bonnie Bennett and Vincent Griffith for future OCs.

Mischief Managed,

Sprinting Fox

Warrior | Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now