Chapter 23

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Stefan called her the following morning.

"How was the full moon?" he asked.

"It was alright," said Graciela. "Tell me about your day first."

"Jeez... where do I even begin. So, let's see... Damon and Bonnie had the brilliant— note the sarcasm in my voice— idea to go and murder one of Lily's Heretics. In retaliation, they kidnapped Elena. We were almost able to rescue her but they switched ownership of the house and we got dragged out of there through a window. So Damon decided he was going to try for a hostage swap and went to find the sixth Heretic, who isn't at the house. Bonnie and Alaric went with him, I don't know what that's going to accomplish, so Caroline and I are looking for other ways to get into that house. Apparently, I know one of the Heretics."

"What do you mean?" she asked. "How would you know one of the Heretics?"

"There was this girl, back when I was still human in 1863. Her name was Valerie. She was... my first love. My first everything. She left, and sent a telegram that she'd be back. I waited and waited and she never did. Then Katherine arrived and everything fell apart."

Graciela wasn't sure how she was supposed to feel about this. She managed an, "Oh!" which she hoped sounded surprised and intrigued rather than jealous and nervous. "Well, are you going to talk to her? Do you think maybe the other Heretics stopped her from coming back?"

"I don't have any interest in speaking to her, honestly. She's been nearby for weeks and she didn't seek me out, so I imagine she's as over it as I am. It was a long time ago. Anyway, tell me more about the full moon."

"Well, um... Lauren asked me to take Henry in and I said no. There's been poachers in the Bayou and she thought he'd be safer with me but I can't be taking care of a baby... not right now. It felt like I did something evil."

"No, you didn't, you were just honest about what you are and aren't equipped to handle. Babies are a lot of work."

"Yeah, they are," she said. "The more I think of it the more I realize that I don't want kids. I never did. I can admire them from afar but I don't see myself being happy as a mom. So, the Guerrera bloodline is ending with me. I truly will be the Last Guerrera. It's kind of satisfying. My ancestors would be livid but... that's not my problem."

He let out a laugh. "Oh, yeah, how dare you have an opinion different from them? How dare you take ownership of your body and figure out what would really make you happy?"

"Right?" she teased. "I'm so ungrateful and rude." She pursed her lips, "Well, keep me updated on how things go. I need to get to school."

He didn't notice that she'd decided to end the call abruptly. He simply told her to have a good day, figuring she might be running late.

Valerie. Valerie. Valerie. She wanted to know more. She was too nosy to be satisfied with the information she'd acquired just now, and it worried her that maybe, if Stefan confronted her and got even slightly upset, this Heretic girl would hurt him.

She'd never been one to feel insecure, but then again, she'd never been in a relationship until now. She'd noticed how Elena and Caroline didn't seem too warm with her, but she didn't let it bother her because she knew Stefan wouldn't go back with Elena and that he'd never even had feelings for Caroline.

But this Valerie girl had actually been his first love. Someone from his past that brought with her unresolved feelings and other issues. What if he wanted to speak to her, to set the record straight?

She wondered what Valerie looked like. Was she way prettier than her? Probably. She was definitely more powerful. And if Stefan really meant that she'd been his first everything... well, Graciela hadn't even done more than kiss him. What if she couldn't satisfy him as well as someone like Valerie could?

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