Chapter 33

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Graciela was surprised.

Not because anyone planned a party for her, or because she suddenly got good news. But because three days later, Davina's head somehow wasn't propped up on a spike in the courtyard.

"Seems Marcel really did get her away in time," she told Stefan while they were having breakfast in the courtyard. "I keep wondering if maybe she'll turn up dead, but she hasn't."

"Klaus is too busy being paranoid," said Stefan. "I'm just glad no one is hurting anymore. Damon was making jokes about claiming continued pain to collect from Klaus, as if he's his insurance provider or something."

Graciela snorted. "That would be funny. But ineffective."

They heard footsteps in the entrance hall. Graciela was shocked to see Davina.

"You shouldn't be here," she said quickly.

Too late, someone had already sensed her presence. Klaus sped in from the upper room, pinning her to the nearest pillar by her shoulders. "Rather foolish of you to come here alone," he sneered.

Another figure swept in, throwing Klaus across the courtyard. Graciela managed to recognize Kol Mikaelson from a picture Elijah had shown her. "She didn't come alone, brother," said Kol tightly.

Elijah and Freya rushed downstairs at the sound of his voice. "Now, Nik," said Kol as Klaus got to his feet, staring at him in disbelief. "I mean, you did go after my girl."

"It can't be," said Klaus softly.

"It's Kol," confirmed Davina (as if there was any doubt to begin with). "When I broke your sire link, it created a surge of power."

"You stole the Nexus Vorti," realized Freya.

Davina rolled her eyes. "And brought your brother back from the dead!"

"You should be thanking her, really," prompted Kol.

Graciela thought Klaus was about to lunge at Kol. Instead, he pulled him into a tight hug. Elijah smiled and moved forward.

"Hello, Elijah," said Kol a bit shyly.

"You haven't aged a day," said Elijah, also embracing him.

Freya stood awkwardly behind her brothers. Kol seemed to recognize her, but without knowing who she actually was. "And you—?"

"Freya," she replied.

"Right," said Kol. "Long-lost older sister. Speaking of twists and turns in our family tree, where might Rebekah be?"

"That's a long story," said Klaus. "And one reserved for family. Davina can see herself out."

Kol made a face. "Uh, are you—"

Klaus interrupted. "As per usual, our family faces a multitude of threats. The sooner you become acquainted with them, the better. I won't have you distracted."

"By Davina?" snapped Kol. "You know, if you could only pull your head out of your—"

"Kol," said Davina, to avoid another conflict. "It's okay. I'll go."

"Davina," he said softly, not wishing her to leave.

"You can make it up to me," she prompted.

He beamed. "And I will. Dust off that fancy dress, 'cause tonight we're going dancing."

"Okay," she replied, tiptoeing to kiss him before leaving the house.

Kol seemed to recall Graciela and Stefan were also there. "You," he said to Stefan with a slight sneer. "What are you doing here?"

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