Chapter 14

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Josephine was as crusty as Graciela expected.

An hour later, they were making their way to a luxurious mansion. Gia was in a purple cocktail dress, and carried her violin in its case with one hand. Beside her was Elijah, in his usual suit. On the other side of him was Graciela, this time wearing a black dress with long sleeves and a long skirt.

Honestly, it looked like she was attending a funeral (something Gia had noted with glee). Graciela had ignored Elijah's stares inquiring if she planned to change into something more colorful.

A butler allowed them into the home, escorting them to the living room, where a piano awaited.

"Mr. Mikaelson," said Josephine, an older dark-haired woman with ice-blue eyes who was seated in an armchair, apparently with no intention of standing up.

"Ms. LaRue," he replied, approaching her to take her hand, kissing the back of it. "May I introduce—" he gestured to the vampire, "Gia, a magnificent violinist, who will be playing for you today. She is a member of Marcel Gerard's vampire community, and my protégée." He then brought forth Graciela, placing a hand on her shoulder, "This is—"

"I know her face," said Josephine. "All witches do. The Guerrera Mystery Child. The sole survivor of her vicious pack and now, daughter to an Original."

"And a pianist," said Graciela coldly, though she purposely made 'pianist' sound like 'penis.'

"I beg your pardon?" asked Josephine sharply.

She pointed at the piano, ignoring Elijah's reproachful look. "Here to play the piano for you. I'm going to just go ahead and get started."

Gia had to force herself not to laugh as Graciela walked to the piano, taking a seat and cracking her fingers, before beginning a shorter version if Beethoven's Sonata No. 8, Op. 13, to ensure the focus went to Gia, as hers was the piece that Josephine was meant to find most touching.

They switched between acts quickly. The moment Graciela played her last note, Gia was already setting herself up, propping up her violin to begin playing Beethoven's Sonata No. 9, Op. 47.

Graciela looked intently at Josephine, who'd had her eyes closed the entire time, swaying slightly. Listening closely. She glanced down at the witch's hands, noticing how they trembled, so arthritic that it looked as though she had a constant, burning pain that made her unable to keep them still. The joints were stiff, disfigured, and swollen. Perhaps the music was making her forget that.

Gia set her violin down when she was done. Josephine's eyes opened. "You are as calculating as I've heard, Mr. Mikaelson," said Josephine. "Having your daughter play my second favorite instrument, and your companion play the very piece I once performed to great acclaim."

Elijah noticed that she didn't seem pleased. "Is it not also a piece that you enjoy?"

"It's best not to insult those more powerful than you," said Josephine. "Which is the only reason I allowed you into my home. Now, if you will excuse me, I have many things to do."

Elijah smiled. "My goodness, I had expected a more cordial welcome here."

"And why would I be cordial to you?" Josephine tilted her head. "Since your family has returned to this city, our Elders have been murdered. Promising young witches have been inhabited against their will."

"I can put an end to all of it," said Elijah.

"With all due respect," said Josephine, "I can believe that... as much as I believe I will play my violin again someday." She glanced down at her hands. "Because, Mr. Mikaelson, beneath your formal attire, and behind the lovely Beethoven—" she nodded to Gia, "you are all the same. Liars. Monsters wearing the skins of humans. And one day..." she turned to Graciela, "A beast who will ruin lives just as her brethren did. Good day to you three."

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