Chapter 32

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Being a hybrid was fun.

Graciela had had several weeks to get adjusted. But she hadn't really needed all that time.

Feeding was easy. Compulsion, even easier. Her training was simply intensified, not really changed. And for the first time, she noticed Stefan no longer looked afraid when he kissed her neck. He didn't hesitate and take a moment to just breathe. He wasn't scared of hurting her anymore, which she appreciated.

Of course, that didn't mean things were going well. School was back in session and she started to question why the hell she was ever crazy enough to major in chemistry. Each weekend she went out with the Crescent wolves to search for Aurora, using it as a distraction from homework. And because they were unsuccessful, it didn't actually make her feel any better.

Klaus had compelled the police in New Orleans to search for her. He'd given them the deadline of a month to account for the fact they were humans (and to keep Elijah from constantly telling him how unrealistic it was for him to expect any results in less than a week).

Naturally, he'd been livid when the search went poorly on all ends.

Graciela had gone out to get breakfast when she found Klaus holding the police chief by the throat, hanging over the balcony of the second floor.

"Klaus," she said loudly. "One month into the new year and you already forgot your resolutions?"

"I simply think the taxpayers of New Orleans deserve a skilled Chief of Police," he said smugly. He squeezed the man's throat harder, causing him to squirm. "How inept are you if not a single one of your men can locate the woman I seek?"

"We're trying!" he choked. "She's a ghost!"

Klaus sighed irritably. "Aurora de Martel is rather petite and may indeed be able to slip through the cracks like a wicked little cricket, but she is not a ghost." He smirked. "Not yet. I think this city's finest could try a little bit harder, hmm?"

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast," said Freya, appearing with Elijah from the other room.

Elijah rolled his eyes at the scene before him. "Niklaus, for Heaven's sake! Release the poor creature."

The police chief whimpered and shook his head frantically. Klaus released him, and he crashed to the floor. Graciela sped down, helping the man to his feet and healing his broken ankle.

"That's not what I meant," said Elijah, exasperated.

"He'll live," said Klaus when he saw Graciela compelling the man to leave. "And he'll remember to do better."

"Is all this torture necessary?" inquired Freya.

Klaus ignored the question as he sensed a presence downstairs. "Where have you been?"

Marcel walked in. "I was making sure that the Strix and their witches are out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you?"

Elijah sighed loudly, "Gentlemen, please."

Marcel continued, "All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an Original."

"It's not his fault that Cami was waving the white oak around like a kite," said Freya, "or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches."

"Oh yeah, it is—"

"I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you, Freya," interrupted Klaus before Marcel could continue. "What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora. Inthat respect, we're alike."

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