Chapter 27

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Elijah found her crying.

She had buried herself under her blankets, hugging a teddy bear and sniffling into its shoulder. When she heard him approaching, she tried to quickly wipe her eyes, but it was painfully obvious even without the tear stains, seeing as her eyes were puffy and red.

"What happened?" he inquired immediately, filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said quickly. "Just needed a good cry."

He didn't buy it. "Stefan confirmed he is not coming?"

"Worse," she said. "The reason he's been so distracted that he forgot to get the ticket was because of Valerie. I guess the two conceived a kid back in 1863 but he never knew til now, and this Julian guy beat her until it was lost. She told him almost a full month ago and he hadn't told me, hadn't admitted she's been living with him and Damon the entire time. I just hate that I had to find out from Caroline of all people. If she hadn't told me, I don't know when he would have. I hate being lied to, Elijah, and I hate when people hide important things from me. Valerie told him not to tell me but couldn't... couldn't he have said something like, 'Hey, there's something we need to talk about soon. I can't say anything yet but I just want you to know I'll be busy dealing with it. Doesn't mean I care for you any less...'"

Elijah's jaw tightened. "Say the word, and I will go and speak to him myself."

"You mean you'll kill him," she murmured. "But I don't want him dead I just... I feel doubt and it gets to me and I worry... he's my first boyfriend, and I know people cheat and it feels like he's cheating emotionally by devoting more time to Valerie but... but I understand why, I really do. I just wish he told me he was dealing with something involving her so I wouldn't have to think that he's cheating." She held her head. "I just feel so confused and sad and hurt."

He sat beside her, withdrawing a handkerchief from his chest pocket. She took it, cleaning beneath her eyes, and sighing in frustration when she saw she'd left mascara smeared onto it. "This stupid mascara is supposed to be waterproof but I guess that doesn't stand a chance against the flood of tears that just squeezed itself out of my eyes."

He half-smiled. "Perhaps it's time for a trip to a proper makeup store."

She snorted slightly. "Bold of you to assume I don't constantly buy things at high-end stores. I have so much money, I might as well. As long as the brands prove eco-friendly and anti-animal cruelty, they can have my full support no matter what it costs."

He put an arm around her as she leaned onto his shoulder. "Bet you didn't expect you'd have to comfort me through my first not-really-but-kind-of heartbreak."

"It was implied in the job description," he said good-naturedly. "Though, I suppose I've been fortunate to not have to worry about drunk driving, drug abuse, sneaking out..."

She shrugged. "I haven't felt the need to do those things... yet."

"Hopefully not ever." He massaged her shoulder. "Perhaps you ought to tell him what you told me. What you wish he'd said to you. Communicate, to ensure he does not repeat this mistake."

She nodded. "Yeah, I will... eventually. I feel like I just need a day to let out all the sadness and anger so I don't say anything I'll regret."

"Did you say that to him?"

"Yeah, I told him I'll be busy and won't be able to talk to him for a few days. I just don't want to be hearing his apologies until I'm mentally able to... see his side of it and then use it to show him what I need from this relationship."

"Perhaps you ought to communicate that you don't wish for him to keep speaking with Valerie."

She winced. "I don't want to be that partner that makes their significant other abandon friendships because of jealousy."

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